瓦特尼克政治学院 Blavatnik School of Government 2011-2015

Jul 11, 2023 08:01 AM
▲ archdaily 项目基础介绍
The School’s aim is to become a center of excellence for the study of government and public policy within Oxford University, teaching the practice of government in ways which will strengthen communities, create opportunities and foster cooperation across the world.
Such a vision requires a specific response and building. The starting point is from the heart of the building, the Forum. This space cuts through the school as a vertical public space connecting all the levels and programs together into one whole. Central to a school of government is the idea of openness, communication and transparency. The central forum takes this principle literally by stitching all levels together and providing congregation, meeting and social spaces. Its arrangement is in many ways like that of an auditorium with a series of interconnected terraces that step up from the ground floor all the way to the upper levels of the School. Each terrace could operate as a separate space, for example as a study area or as part of one connected whole volume for a larger presentation. The Forum will be a space that encourages communication and discussion, formal and informal, planned and accidental.
Prominently located at the southwest corner of the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter (ROQ), the School will be the first building people see when approaching this quarter from the south, and so has the potential to become a gateway into this new part of the University and a symbol of its development. The immediate context is a complex situation with the adjacencies of St Paul’s Church and Somerville College to both sides and the Oxford University Press across Walton Street. Its cylindrical shapes show analogies to government buildings and universities around the world.
The proposal of a series of shifted discs is developed from the parameters of the site and plot boundaries. The shifting in floors creates overhangs and covered volumes and reflects the principles of the masterplan massing with the mass of the building moved northwest towards the center of the ROQ site. The main entrance is located in the middle of the elevation in a classical manner, centered underneath the main teaching floor of Level 1 whose circular geometry is transformed into a rectangular form along Walton Street, resulting in a ‘Sheldonian’-like shape. The introduction of this orthogonal form addresses the historic setting by continuing the line of St. Paul’s Church portico and echoing the symmetrical entrance of Oxford University Press.
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“The Blavatnik School of Government will become a global centre of excellence for the study of government and public policy. The School’s aim is to teach the practice of government and leadership in ways which will strengthen communities, create opportunities and foster cooperation across the world. The School offers Oxford University a new way to contribute to the world” — Blavatnik School of Government Brochure
Such a vision requires a specific response and building.
Our starting point is from the inside, from the heart of the building, the Forum. This space cuts through the school as a vertical public space connecting all the levels and programs together into one whole. Central to a school of government is the idea of openness, communication and transparency, the central forum takes this principle literally by stitching all levels together. In the first instance the Forum provides access between spaces, but more importantly it provides congregation, meeting and social spaces. In our proposal its arrangement is in many ways like that of an auditorium or a concert hall with a series of interconnected terraces that step up from the ground floor all the way to the upper levels of the School. Each terrace could operate as a separate space, for example as a study area or as part of one connected whole volume for a larger presentation. The Forum will be a space that allows and positively encourages communication and discussion, formal and informal, planned and accidental.
The Blavatnik School of Government will house teaching and academic spaces which are supported by meeting, administration, research and service areas which are all connected by the Forum. At its lower levels, the building houses large public and teaching programs. The upper levels around are occupied by academic and research programs that require a more quiet atmosphere to foster focus and concentration. Crowning the School will be students and faculty spaces, which overlook an outdoor terrace, the Radcliff Observatory Quarter and the whole of Oxford beyond. The School offers a wide range of teaching-space types from small flexible seminar rooms to larger, horseshoe-shaped teaching rooms.
Prominently located at the southwest corner of the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter (ROQ) the School will be the first building pedestrians, visitors and students encounter when approaching this quarter from the south. The School has the potential to become a gateway into this new part of the University and a symbol of its development.
The immediate context is a complex situation with the adjacencies of St Paul’s Church and Somerville College to both sides and the Oxford University Press across Walton Street. The concept of the Forum in the interior sets the decisive and room-defining impulse for the entire building. This circular hollow also defines the exterior appearance of the school. Its cylindrical shapes show analogies to government buildings and universities in different places all over the world.
Our proposal of a series of shifted discs, pure geometric circles, is developed from the parameters of the site and plot boundaries. The shifting in floors creates overhangs and covered volumes and reflects the principles of the masterplan massing with the mass of the building moved northwest towards the centre of the ROQ site. The main entrance is located, in a classical manner, in the middle of the Walton Street elevation, centred underneath the main teaching floor of Level 1 whose circular geometry is transformed into a rectangular form along Walton Street, resulting in a ‘Sheldonian’ like shape. The introduction of this orthogonal form addresses the historic setting in a classical manner, both continuing the line of the St-Paul’s Church portico and echoing the symmetrical entrance of the Oxford University.
With this proposal we aim to provide a project that can act as a focal point both for the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter and the academic activity of the study of government and public policy; a landmark building housing a ground breaking School.
Herzog & de Meuron, 2016



在人来人往的牛津城中,有一座以曲线形为主导的建筑,它位于城中的标志性建筑——拉德克利夫天文台(Radcliffe Observatory)的西南角,毗邻圣保罗大教堂(St.Paul’s Cathedra)和萨默维尔学院(Somerville College),与牛津大学出版社(Oxford University Press)隔沃顿街相望。它就是由赫尔佐格&德梅隆建筑事务所(HERZOG&DE MEURON Architekten)设计的布拉瓦尼克政治学院。
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▲ 项目总图(区域位置)
该学院于2013年9月开始建设,得益于美国亿万富翁里奥纳多·布拉瓦尼克(Leonard Blavatnik)资助的7500万英镑捐款,项目在2015年11月完工,并入围2016年的RIBA斯特林建筑奖(RIBA stiriling prize)。“牛津城是教育的神圣领土,它的建筑遗产也同样令人印象深刻。” 赫尔佐格和德梅隆如此说道。他们对政治学院外观的灵活塑造回应了周边的城市景观风貌,同时又加以创新,使它成为了古老的牛津城最为朝气蓬勃的新成员。
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▲ 布拉瓦尼克政治学院外观。
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▲ 布拉瓦尼克政治学院静静地矗立在牛津城中。
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▲ 玻璃幕墙映射着周边的建筑。


牛津城中宝贵的建筑遗产为布拉瓦尼克政治学院的设计提供了尺度及比例参考,以便控制建筑体量。学院由一系列圆盘堆叠而成,鲜明的圆形几何元素来源于牛津一些最具标志性的建筑,它的圆柱形类似于世界各地的政府大楼和大学。如拉德克利夫圆楼(Radcliffe Camera)、谢尔登尼亚剧院(Sheldonian Theatre),从而体现了建筑师对于场地的敏感反应:相比于最初占满整个基地的方块体量概念,圆盘的体量使得建筑边界轻轻地与街道以及周边建筑拉开距离,创造了更多的公共空间(看到这里是不是想到了前几天分享的赫尔佐格与德梅隆在日本设计的另外一个建筑 )
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▲ 建筑与周边城市文脉图底关系
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▲ 布拉瓦尼克政治学院圆盘堆叠的效果
Blavatnik School of Government 布拉瓦特尼克政治学院 Herzog & de Meuron 赫尔佐格与德梅隆_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
社群分享案例notion建筑师事务所系列https://www.notion.so/arc-designing/dcfbcc4ca6274ef18cc4a8b0d69a0323?v=01d025c5e63749a49f165ec61f8d16dd, 视频播放量 9、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 0, 视频作者 设计标准化, 作者简介 设计标准化为您提供专业的设计服务与设计咨询 wx:913229954 公众号:设计标准化(Arc-design),相关视频:Herzog & de Meuron 赫尔佐格与德梅隆 布拉瓦特尼克政治学院 Blavatnik School of Government,耗资 16亿,诺曼·福斯特-大疆全球总部"天空之城"落成启用,科技感十足,或成深圳南山新地标-实力诠释「高技派」,扎哈遗作 北京丽泽 SOHO大厦DNA双螺旋型双塔围绕出200米世界最高中庭 其超现代设计也被称为最接近未来建筑的理念 钢结构用量1.83万吨约2.5埃菲尔铁塔,普拉达青山店 Prada store 赫尔佐格与德梅隆 Herzog & de Meuron(二),程泰宁讲述投标经历感叹:为何只相信老外,理查德迈耶 - 史密斯住宅 1965-1967,建筑师需要的不是勤奋,Herzog & de Meuron 赫尔佐格德梅隆 Prada Aoyama Tokyo (三),Blavatnik School of Government 布拉瓦特尼克政治学院 Herzog & de Meuron 赫尔佐格与德梅隆,别搞设计了,考特警吧!
Blavatnik School of Government 布拉瓦特尼克政治学院 Herzog & de Meuron 赫尔佐格与德梅隆_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
▲ 图片来源视频
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▲ 矩形的出现避免了单调重复的圆盘堆叠。


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  1. 主入口
  1. 接待处
  1. 小广场
  1. 阶梯教室
  1. 研讨室
  1. 餐厅
  1. 研究中心
  1. 心理减压室
  1. 会议室办公室
  1. 公共休息室
  1. 自习室
  1. 户外露台
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▲ 建筑内部有着不同的功能分布。
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▲ 内部中庭侧边通廊
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▲ 内部设计围绕建筑的中庭空间展开。
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▲ 仰望中庭,仿佛徜徉在一个壮丽的星系空间。


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标明楼板所在位置的带状裸露混凝土构件(支撑外层玻璃表皮) 与牛津地区常用的石材间建立起了一种联系。
Blavatnik School of Government 布拉瓦特尼克政治学院 Herzog & de Meuron 赫尔佐格与德梅隆_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
notion建筑师事务所系列案例设计标准化社群分享案例更多内容和介绍,请关注我们公众号:设计标准化, 视频播放量 8、弹幕量 0、点赞数 0、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 1、转发人数 0, 视频作者 设计标准化, 作者简介 设计标准化为您提供专业的设计服务与设计咨询 wx:913229954 公众号:设计标准化(Arc-design),相关视频:Herzog & de Meuron 赫尔佐格与德梅隆 布拉瓦特尼克政治学院 Blavatnik School of Government,耗资 16亿,诺曼·福斯特-大疆全球总部"天空之城"落成启用,科技感十足,或成深圳南山新地标-实力诠释「高技派」,普拉达青山店 Prada store 赫尔佐格与德梅隆 Herzog & de Meuron(二),扎哈遗作 北京丽泽 SOHO大厦DNA双螺旋型双塔围绕出200米世界最高中庭 其超现代设计也被称为最接近未来建筑的理念 钢结构用量1.83万吨约2.5埃菲尔铁塔,建筑师需要的不是勤奋,House N 藤本壮介 Sou Fujimoto,Herzog & de Meuron 赫尔佐格德梅隆 Prada Aoyama Tokyo (三),理查德迈耶 - 史密斯住宅 1965-1967,武汉图书馆新馆设计方案公布,又是国外知名建筑设计团队中标!这会成为武汉的新地标吗?,普拉达青山店 Prada store 赫尔佐格与德梅隆 Herzog & de Meuron(一)
Blavatnik School of Government 布拉瓦特尼克政治学院 Herzog & de Meuron 赫尔佐格与德梅隆_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


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▲ 橡木材料的介入赋予了学术殿堂的宁静知觉。
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  1. 玻璃:2x15mm层压安玻璃
  1. 铝框双层玻璃: 8mm钢化玻璃+12mm空腔+2x4mm层压安全玻璃
  1. 预制混凝土构件 钢支撑结构,热分区
  1. 20mm橡木拼花地板 36mm胶合板 100mm基座 200mm钢筋混凝土板 90mm保温层 27mm纤维水泥板,抹灰饰面
  1. 120/310mm橡木框,染色,密封安装
  1. 钢框双层玻璃: 2x8.5mm层压安全玻璃+17mm空腔+8.5mm+10mm层压安全玻
  1. 20mm橡木板,染色 24/48mm板条 支撑结构 75/50mm矩形钢管
  1. 125/65/5mm槽钢,安装在钢支架上
  1. 20mm橡木拼花地板,涂清漆 30mm胶合板 160mm保温层 90mm保温层 2x12.5mm石膏板
  1. 双层玻璃: 12mm钢化玻璃+12mm空腔+12mm钢化玻璃,橡木框,染色
  1. 70mm中国棕花岗岩,火焰斜切割 25mm砂浆垫层 找平层 200mm钢筋混凝土板 分隔层 175mm保温层 双层沥青密封层 350mm钢筋混凝土板
  1. 70mm定做的门垫
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  1. 铝框双层玻璃: 8mm钢化玻璃+12mm空腔+2x4mm层压安全玻璃
  1. 玻璃: 2x15mm层压安全玻璃
  1. 预制混凝土构件 钢支撑结构,热分区
  1. 65mm混凝土板 180mm基座 分隔层 180mm保温层沥青密封层 200mm钢筋混凝土板
  1. 织物百叶帘
  1. 织物遮阳帘,电动操控
  1. 20mm橡木拼花地板,涂清漆,亚光 36mm胶合板 440mm基座 300mm钢筋混凝土板
  1. 20mm橡木拼花地板,涂清漆,亚光 36mm找平层 300mm钢筋混凝土板 吊顶:12.5mm石膏板
  1. 20mm橡木拼花地板,涂清漆,亚光 36mm找平层 300mm钢筋混凝土板 90mm保温层 吊顶:27mm纤维水泥板,抹灰面层