
Jul 2, 2023 02:41 PM
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Photo by Didier Boy de la Tour
The project for the headquarters of the Swiss media company Tamedia is situated in the heart of the city of Zurich in a 1,000m2 site within a larger urban block where the main buildings of the group are currently located. The site is positioned towards the east part of the block and has the particularity of developing through almost 50m of linear façade facing the Sihl water canal.
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Photo by Didier Boy de la Tour
The implantation of the new building basically responds to the footprint of the existing building to be demolished but this time creating continuity with the facades of the buildings beside as well as taking advantage of the maximum allowed height in order to optimize the exploitable office area in this side of the building block.
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Photo by Didier Boy de la Tour
The main access of the building is situated in the north angle of streets Werdstrasse and Stauffacherquai and will actually become the principal entry of the whole building complex. The building develops within 7 stories over ground floor with two basement levels for a global net area of 8,602m2 to which we can add 1,518 additional square meters that correspond to the two-floor extension project located on the roof of the neighbor building at number 8 of Stauffacherquai street.
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Photo by Didier Boy de la Tour
From an architectural point of view one of the main features of the project is indeed the proposition of a main structural system entirely made designed on timber that, other its innovative character from a technical and environmental standpoint, gives the building a unique appearance from the inside space as well as from the city around. In order to reinforce and express this idea the building skin is entirely glazed and special attention was given to achieve a low energy transmission levels that responds to the latest and very strict Swiss regulations in terms of energy consumption.
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