萨姆博格住宅 Shamberg House 1972 - 1974

Jul 1, 2023 02:31 PM
Chappaqua, New York
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The Shamberg House is located adjacent to a traditional, shingled cottage, on a heavily wooded hillside with a sweeping view. The existing cottage remains a guesthouse, while the new building serves as a year-round family gathering place.
On the entry side, a bridge, which starts a half-story below grade level, emphasizes the tautness of the solid front. On axis with the entry is a balcony overlooking a two-story glazed living room and a deep view into the woods below the house. From this transitional space one can best appreciate the contrast between the house’s public and private zones: one articulated as solid, the other as void. The balcony faces onto a serpentine stair to the lower level. Curving past one of the structural columns, as if to avoid a collision, the stair weaves together the two discrete spatial parts.
To the right of the balcony, the entry-level plane of circulation continues along a corridor serving the spaces behind the front façade to an interior bridge leading to the owners’ bedroom, an open platform that is cantilevered over the living-room space. Movement through the bedroom culminates in an exterior balcony, read as a curvilinear solid pushing through the glass wall to the exterior, where it appears to balance on a piano-curved wall of glass. An exterior stair provides direct access to the outdoor pool.
As in earlier house designs, the formal potential of a decisive separation of public and private spaces is explored again, but with some significant variations. Vertically stacked rooms and corridors, fronting a living area oriented horizontally with 180-degree views of the landscape, physically define the private sector. In plan, the entry sequence and private spaces, (the bridge, master bedroom, balcony and corridor) are oriented towards the diagonal. The entry façade is viewed obliquely from the bridge; the cantilevered sleeping area is seen from the top of the recurved staircase, across the double-height interior.
Frontality and right angles, by contrast, determine the views and approaches in the lower public spaces. The mullions of the rear façade are shifted past the structural columns, a departure from preceding houses. This shift, in concert with the opposed grids of the upper and lower levels, creates a sensation of rotation within the tightly drawn box of the house and of narrowly averted collisions between structure and surface.
Shamberg House是理查德·迈耶的杰作之一,位于纽约州查帕夸,毗邻一座传统的木瓦小屋。整座房子在一个高耸的山坡上,俯瞰着美丽的风景。从入口侧看,一座桥从半层楼下开始,强调了前面的实体感。入口处的阳台俯瞰着一个两层楼高的玻璃客厅和房子下面的树林深处。从这个过渡空间,人们可以最好地欣赏到房子的公共和私人区域之间的对比:一个被表现为实体,另一个被表现为空洞。阳台面对着一条蜿蜒的楼梯通往下层。在阳台的右侧,入口层的环流平面沿着一条走廊继续向前,为前立面后面的空间提供服务,并通向一个内部桥梁,通向业主的卧室,这是一个悬臂在客厅空间上方的开放式平台。卧室的移动最终在一个外部阳台上结束,看起来像是一堵弯曲的墙穿过玻璃墙推向外部,似乎在一个钢琴曲线的玻璃墙上保持平衡。一个外部楼梯直接通往室外游泳池。
Shamberg House继承了迈耶的一贯风格,强调公共和私人空间的明确分隔。房子的私人区域以竖直叠放的房间和走廊为特点,而公共区域则以水平的180度景观为特点。从平面图上看,入口序列和私人空间(桥梁、主卧室、阳台和走廊)朝向对角线。入口的立面从桥上斜视,悬臂的睡眠区从上面的弯曲楼梯看过去,横跨双层高的室内。相反,下部的公共空间则以正面和直角为主导。后立面的垂直支架与结构柱错位,这是与前面的房子不同之处。这种错位,与上下两层的对立网格相结合,营造出房子紧密绘制的盒子内部旋转的感觉,以及结构和表面之间狭窄的碰撞。
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