UCLA Eli & Edythe Broad Art Center 1999 - 2006

Jul 1, 2023 02:00 PM
Los Angeles, California
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The existing 144,000-square-foot Dickson Art Center, located on the UCLA campus, was originally constructed in 1964. Housing the departments of art and design, this building incorporates additional space allocated to the Center for the Digital Arts and general classroom use. During the 1994 Northridge earthquake this building was damaged, requiring structural reinforcement. Located at the north end of an important north-south axis, the Broad Art Center is an integral part of a new north gate to campus. The heart of the art and design programs is the teaching studios, where students create and share their creations with others. Utilizing a loft-like floor plan with flexible space and services, reconfiguration of program areas can be accomplished easily as the needs of the art school change. To achieve this potential, a radical renovation of the art school’s tower was designed. Outboard structural buttresses were added to the west end of the tower, upgrading the existing structural frame. This innovative alternative to interior shear walls allows flexible interior space unencumbered by structural partitions. The new buttresses on the west provide shaft enclosure for a new service elevator, linking the loading dock with each floor and roof areas. An existing courtyard was excavated, creating a new performance art space with acoustic and lighting design capable of supporting a multitude of uses. The new circulation balconies give access to program areas and provide south elevation sun control. A lattice of horizontal blades and roofs filters sunlight and views to and from these exterior corridors. New informal meeting spaces for small groups of faculty and students are located at each floor level adjacent to the elevator core.
UCLA Eli & Edythe Broad Art Center位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市,由建筑师Richard Meier-理查德·迈耶设计,是一个公共文化教育建筑。建筑占地144,000平方英尺,原建于1964年,后于1994年北岭地震中受损,需要进行结构加固。建筑的核心是教学工作室,具有灵活的空间和服务,可以轻松地重新配置。为了实现这个潜力,设计师对艺术学院的塔进行了彻底的翻新。在塔的西端增加了外部结构支撑,升级了现有的结构框架。这种创新性的内部剪力墙的替代方案,使得内部空间可以不受结构隔断的限制。西面的新支撑结构为新的服务电梯提供了轴套,将装卸区与每个楼层和屋顶区域连接起来。原有的庭院被挖掘,创造了一个新的表演艺术空间,具有支持多种用途的声学和照明设计。新的流通阳台可以进入项目区,并提供南立面的遮阳控制。水平板和屋顶的格栅过滤阳光和视图,从这些外部走廊到达和离开。每个楼层水平的非正式会议空间位于电梯核心旁边,可以容纳小型教师和学生小组。