Yale University History of Art & Arts Library Building 2001 - 2004

Jul 1, 2023 02:00 PM
New Haven, Connecticut
notion image
The proposed new building for the Department of the History of Art and for an expanded Arts Library is located adjacent to the Art and Architecture Building by Paul Rudolph of 1963. The two will be closely interconnected, and this integration reflects the time-honored interaction between the arts and architecture. Encompassing a total gross area of some 175,000 square feet, the new building rises seven floors above the street and has two levels below grade, following the sectional precedent of the Rudolph building.
A top-lit atrium, which accommodates the main reading room of the expanded Arts Library, connects the two buildings. It occupies a void adjacent to the existing structure, which Rudolph had envisioned as a courtyard in the potential expansion of his building. While the principal entrance is located in the new building, the original entry into the Rudolph building will be maintained with direct access into the original northeastern stair/elevator tower or indirect access up the adjacent grand staircase.
The ground floor is mainly given over to the reference library, but it also provides an auxiliary semi-public element, a small exhibition space and a café close to the main entrance. There are two lecture halls in the lowest level of the new building, which, together with Hastings Hall in the basement of the Rudolph building, constitute the new lecture complex.
The new building juxtaposes a small number of enclosed volumes – faculty offices and seminar rooms – with expansive spaces mostly clad in either translucent or transparent glass. In contrast to the “corduroy” concrete of the Rudolph building, the curtain walls and glass roofs of the new building act as membranes filtering natural light into the structure and creating a variety of light conditions according to the time of day and the season.
耶鲁大学的历史艺术系和艺术图书馆在2001年至2004年期间进行了扩建,建筑师是理查德·迈耶。新建筑与保罗·鲁道夫于1963年设计的艺术与建筑大楼相邻,两座建筑紧密相连。新建筑共有七层,占地面积约175,000平方英尺,顶部有一个采光的中庭,作为扩建后的艺术图书馆的主要阅读室。地下两层有两个讲堂,与鲁道夫建筑的Hastings Hall一起构成新的讲堂区。新建筑采用透明或半透明玻璃幕墙,与保罗·鲁道夫建筑的“灯芯绒”混凝土形成鲜明对比,将自然光线过滤到建筑内部,创造出不同的光线条件。