Tan House 1997 - 2003

Jul 1, 2023 02:00 PM
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
notion image
Located on a sloped suburban site with exceptional views of the city of Kuala Lumpur this house is organized around a vertical plane that screens views and noise from the busy suburban street, and provides a monolithic backdrop for the living spaces, which are oriented north towards the view. The opaque entry elevation is in contrast to the open city side elevation, which is fully glazed and articulated with terraces and sunshades.
Entry is via a 12-meter long bridge that parallels the street and connects the parking court to the entry vestibule. The dynamic oval form of the vestibule serves to receive and redirect the path of circulation through the opaque wall toward the views. A sequence of one and two story volumes houses the living room, dining room, kitchen and pool areas.
The façade materials have been selected with respect for the wet Malaysian climate. A combination of ceramic tile, enameled aluminum, and glass form a moisture resistant skin that is easily maintained. The architecture also responds directly to the intense year-round sun by integrating exterior sunscreens into the façade to protect glass areas from direct sun exposure.  Insulated glass and interior motorized shades further reduce heat gain and glare.
这栋房子位于吉隆坡市郊的一个有斜坡的地块上,可俯瞰城市美景。建筑师Richard Meier采用了垂直平面的布局,屏蔽了来自繁忙的郊区街道的视线和噪音,并为客厅等起居空间提供了一个整体的背景。该建筑还采用了多个凸窗和阳台,增加了空间感。房子的材料选择考虑到了马来西亚湿润的气候,采用了陶瓷瓦、搪瓷铝和玻璃等防潮材料。此外,建筑还采用外部遮阳板和内部电动窗帘以减少阳光进入和炫耀。整个房子的设计强调了与周围环境的和谐融合。