Friesen House 1998 - 2000

Jul 1, 2023 02:00 PM
Los Angeles, California
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Located on an extensively landscaped hillside property in Los Angeles, this existing 1950s era, single-story house had undergone multiple additions and renovations over the past years. This renovation and second story addition acknowledges the horizontal and classic modern line of the existing structure, but also adds hierarchy to the massing and redefines the spatial and structural order of the house. The new second-story is built on a platform that straddles the existing house and is supported by three new parallel walls that define interior space and extend into the garden. These new walls draw from existing garden walls for their color and texture, thereby restating the visual and physical relationship between house and garden.
The new second level, which includes a master suite, studio, and library, integrates a large cylindrical volume to develop a hierarchy in the plan and massing. This volume re-centers the house and formally orders vertical and horizontal circulation at the ground and second levels. The garden façade is scaled with a new brise-soleil and trellises, which reappear on the renovated pool house.
Exterior finishes are a combination of smooth white stucco to match the existing house and painted horizontal aluminum plate cladding for the new curvilinear elements and sunscreens.
"Friesen House 1998 - 2000" 是一座位于洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州的住宅建筑。该建筑由知名建筑师Richard Meier设计,其设计理念是在保留原建筑的现代线条的基础上,通过增加二层以及重新定义空间和结构的方式,使该建筑获得更强的层次感和视觉效果。二层平台横跨在原有的一层房屋上,由三堵平行的墙支撑,这些墙壁定义了室内空间,并延伸到花园。这些墙壁的颜色和纹理借鉴了现有的花园墙壁,从而重新定义了房屋与花园之间的视觉和物理关系。