Canal+ Headquarters 1988 - 1992

Jul 1, 2023 01:38 PM
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Located on the left bank of the Seine just west of the Pont Mirabeau and east of the Parc Citroën, this L-shaped television headquarters building borders two sides of a public park. On one side, an office slab varying from five to eight stories in height, tapering in plan, faces northwest over the Seine river. The other side consists of a four-story studio block facing northeast onto the rue de Cévennes, with a truncated, conical screening room punching up through it. The four television studios have been partially sunk into the ground to comply with zoning height limitations. Each studio may be accessed from its own separate street entrance or, alternatively, from an internal circulation spine. Between this opaque mass and the office slab is a glazed, dematerialized, three-story foyer with a canopy cantilevered over the street entrance. The opposite end of this foyer is intended to be accessed from the park, so the foyer can be used as a pedestrian right-of-way between the park and the rue de Cévennes. Aerial bridges spanning the foyer link the production and administration wings, encouraging internal communication.  Faced with white enameled-steel paneling, the exterior of the building is relieved by cantilevered terraces and by horizontal sun screens and vertical brise soleils that modulate the surface of both the street and the park elevations. Small, opaque glazed panels animate the louverless curved segment of the northwest river façade. The “urban window” cut out of this office slab was provided to comply with certain zoning requirements. The implicitly civic character of the complex is reinforced by its relationship to the park and by a monumental butterfly roof sailing over the offices facing the park.
这家优质法国媒体品牌的总部位于一座 L 形建筑内,毗邻公园的两侧,办公空间集中在 L 形的一侧,而另一侧则设有四个电视演播室。一个巨大的蝴蝶屋顶在面向公园的办公室上方航行,使该建筑成为一个突出的城市存在。
L 形的一侧,平面逐渐变细,高度从 5 层到 8 层不等,设有 Canal + 办公室,可以欣赏到西北部塞纳河的全景。建筑体量的另一侧是一栋四层楼的工作室大楼,面向东北,面向塞文山脉 (rue de Cévennes)。四个电视演播室已部分沉入地下,以符合分区高度限制,每个演播室都可以从各自独立的街道入口或内部循环脊柱单独进入。在这两个体量之间是一个戏剧性的、透明玻璃的三层门厅,在街道入口处有一个悬臂式的天篷。这个门厅的另一端是为了从公园进入,所以门厅可以用作公园和塞文山脉之间的行人通行权。