康奈尔大学校友和录取中心 Cornell University, Alumni & Admission Center 1988

Jul 1, 2023 01:38 PM
Ithaca, New York
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This double-headed complex situated on opposite sides of Falls Creek at the northern end of the original campus includes a four-story reception building on the northern face of the gorge and a four-story administrative wing situated on the opposite bank.  The first structure governs the main public approach to the campus from the north and east and accommodates undergraduate admissions offices, and seminar rooms and a cafeteria, grouped about a nine-square, four-story high Great Hall that looks south over the falls towards the administrative wing and a pre-existing, stone-faced, hydraulics laboratory let into the gorge. Conceived as a propyleaum, the reception building is topographically related to particular features around it: to the greensward in front of Balch Hall, to Beebe Lake to which it is connected by a service building and a boat house and, lastly, the gorge itself by virtue of a pedestrian passerelle linking the two buildings and a stepped promenade leading down to a belvedere facing the falls. This inflected play with outbuildings is completed by an eight-story campanile that at the northwest corner of the reception building that ties the whole complex back to Triphammer Bridge, which is one of the main vehicular approaches to the campus.  The new administrative building is treated as a linear foil to the cubic mass of the reception building. It houses the central administration, alumni, development and university council offices. For obvious compositional reasons both new buildings are ordered on an identical, twenty-five-foot structural module.
康奈尔大学校友和录取中心位于纽约州伊萨卡城,由建筑师Richard Meier设计。建筑群包括两栋四层楼房,分别位于Falls Creek两岸。北岸建有一个四层楼的接待大楼,南岸则是一个四层楼的行政楼。接待大楼是整个建筑群的主入口,其内部设有本科招生办公室、讨论室和自助餐厅,以及一个面向瀑布的大厅。行政楼内设有中央管理、校友、发展和大学委员会办公室。两栋楼之间由一座步行天桥和一条阶梯式长廊相互连接。建筑群的设计灵感来源于古希腊城邦的门楼,使其与周围环境相呼应。整个建筑群是基于一个25英尺的标准结构模块设计的。