Hypolux Bank Building 1989 - 1993

Jul 1, 2023 01:38 PM
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Located in a new office quarter on the main auto route between the airport and Luxembourg’s historic urban center, this prestigious office complex comprises a cylindrical volume and an office slab elevated on a podium. Unlike the adjacent office buildings, which have been built mainly to occupy the entire block within the new urban grid, this structure encloses an open civic space. Within this space, the cylinder, which houses the main reception area and executive offices, announces the presence of the bank. A planted formal court with an ornamental pool both defines the surface of the podium and reflects the cylindrical wall screening the entry. Pedestrians access the bank via a gently sloped ramp over the pool.  The L-shaped office block parallels the rue Alphonse Weicker. The southeast end of this slab, adjacent to the cylinder, is devoted to bank functions that occupy the full height of the four-story atrium. At the opposite end, an independent podium entry and elevator core afford access to rental space above. The offices were planned as modules to provide a high degree of flexibility yet afford individuality to each space through proportional variation and window treatments.  The internal perimeter of the L-shaped office wing and the end walls are clad in dark gray stone, while its external face is modulated by brises soleils in enameled-metal paneling. The double-square geometry determining the rhythmic proportion of the plan also controls the organization of the plaza. Within this space, a monumental sculpture by Frank Stella reinforces the entry sequence.