Potsdamer Platz Master Plan Competition 1992

Jul 1, 2023 01:38 PM
notion image
The site for this master plan is adjacent to Berlin’s historic Potsdamer Platz, which was destroyed in the Second World War. The competition brief called for the development of office and commerical space adjacent to the hexagonal Leipzigerplatz and close to the postwar Staatsbibliotek designed by Hans Scharoun, which stands at the eastern edge of the so-called Cultural Forum. Four schemes were instrumental in determining the overall parti for this overdeveloped site: (1) a more of less continious, 11-story infill block capped at its northern and southern extermities by the office towers from 15 to 25 stories in height; (2) a five-block, top-lit, 11-story galleria running parallel to Linkstraße and evenly subdivided by streets according to a grid established for the are of Hilmar and Sätler; (3) a pedestrian walkway, flanked by trees, running diagonally between the Staatsbibliotek and the Potsdamer Platz (this diagonal echoes a similar radial street flanking the northeastern edge of the adjacent site); and (4) rows of trees used at certain points throughout the scheme as either buffers to traffic arteries or devices for focusing pedestrian movement on certain civic institutions such as the Staatsbibliotek or the proposed theater at the effective center of the site.