博洛尼亚大学总体规划和工程学院 2001 - 2012

Jul 1, 2023 01:38 PM
Bologna, Italy 意大利博洛尼亚
notion image
This competition called for the design of a preliminary planning scheme incorporating two themes of great urban importance, which are separate but also tightly interconnected.  The first concerns the general urban layout of a vast area, which today is only partially urbanized and is located in the northwest quadrant of the outskirts of the city of Bologna.  The second concerns the building on the same site of the University of Bologna’s Faculty of Engineering’s departments and services to complement those existing or under construction.  The area to be planned has a land surface of approximately 800,000 sq. meters  and an available surface area potentially suitable for building of 210,000 sq. meters .  The designated uses of the area, besides that of the University, comprise residential, commercial office space and open green space.  In this area, widespread conversion and renovation of the urban environment is to be accomplished through a well-coordinated network of interventions including strengthening of the infrastructure system, completion of the Faculty of Engineering campus, integration of the public facilities network and green areas, and the co-presence of residential and office buildings and commercial activities and services.  The resultant master plan from the competition successfully required the schematic design and morphological and functional structure of the entire area, with insertion of the new University campus in the urban plan, and the preliminary design of two departments: the Mechanical, Nuclear and Aeronautical Construction Engineering (DIEM) and the Energy and Nuclear Engineering and Environmental Control (DIENCA).