欢乐公寓 Joy Apartment 2001 - 2006

Jul 1, 2023 01:38 PM
176 Perry Street
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This luxurious apartment occupies approximately 10,500 square feet on three floors of the south tower of the Perry Street development. Living space, including a double height volume, fills the middle level with a master bedroom suite above and children’s quarters below. On the children’s floor there is also a library guest suite facing south; the upper level accommodates a gymnasium and a study area overlooking the living space. Each floor has a substantial service core in the center of the plan, providing bath and dressing rooms and closets as well as a sauna and open bathing area. All three levels are linked by an internal spiral stair, with additional access to each floor from the building elevators.
The main living spaces are broken down into a series of activity areas that continuously flow into each other around the central core. The circulation moves clockwise from the living room balcony to the spiral stair, the breakfast area, the kitchen, an audio-visual, entertainment zone and, finally, back to the living room. Full-height glass partitions are ingeniously employed throughout the apartment; particularly striking is the sliding screen designed to close off the guest quarters from the library.
Each room in the apartment contains AMX interface touch screens, which manage the environment including lights, window shades, temperature, humidity and music. High-tech management and entertainment components were incorporated as key elements in the design of this apartment for a client who is one of our generation’s foremost technology inventors and entrepreneurs.
该公寓包括佩里街 176 号南塔楼的三层主要楼层,这是一栋由 Meier Partners 设计的公寓楼。该设计通过庆祝自然光和强调横跨哈德逊河的壮丽景色,在所有三个层次之间创造了空间统一。宽敞的起居空间,包括两倍高的起居空间,是住宅的关键所在,而全高玻璃隔断在整个公寓的战略位置,在不中断自然光连续流动的情况下细分空间。