Peek & Cloppenburg Department Store, Mannheim 2001 - 2007

Jul 1, 2023 01:38 PM
Mannheim, Germany
notion image
The department store for the retail chain Peek & Cloppenburg is designed to respond to Mannheim’s historic city grid and to provide a state-of-the-art landmark within the cityscape. It is prominently located on one of the city’s main thoroughfares, between Stephanienstraße and Kufürstenstraße on the Boulevard Planken. Two blocks to the north and west lies the highly formalized urban fabric of Paradeplatz, located at the intersection of Kurpfalzstraße and Boulevard Planken (which are in effect the primary north-south and east-west axes of the Baroque city). The building’s curved front façade cantilevers subtly into the space of the pedestrian zone, strengthening the presence of Peek & Cloppenburg along this major pedestrian and shopping axis. The building’s exterior is marked by the juxtaposition of two principal elements: a light, transparent curtain wall along the retail areas and a group of massive core towers clad in Roman travertine housing vertical circulation and mechanical supply. A three-story glass enclosure cantilevers from the building’s main volume and seemingly floats above Boulevard Planken. Bands of translucent glass brise-soleil line the top floor, creating an airy roof structure. The building interacts with its urban environment through a series of subtle volumetric modifications. In consideration of the height of adjacent buildings, the penthouse is stepped back. The highly transparent features of the building reinforce the public space, the flow of which extends the public realm into the semi-public. This extension culminates within a cantilevered screen reflecting the activities of the sidewalk and the marketplace within. The space includes five retail floors and an administrative penthouse. A cylindrical skylight features a gnomon element to create a shadow in the manner of a sundial for a continuous light display.
这家德国主要零售品牌的百货公司位于曼海姆主干道之一的显眼地段,位于普朗肯大道上的斯蒂芬尼斯特拉塞和库弗斯滕斯特拉塞之间。建筑体量的微妙体积修改创造了与其城市环境的和谐对话,而建筑弯曲的正面立面的动态姿态为 Peek & Cloppenburg 沿着这条主要的步行和购物轴线建立了引人注目的存在。