ENI总部竞赛 2011

Jul 1, 2023 01:38 PM
San Donato Milanese, Italy
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Situated on a site within the heart of Metanopoli, in San Donato Milanese, the new CDe&p building achieves its prominence on the Metanopoli skyline by virtue of the form, geometry and materials. This combination of architectural language reinforces the nature of the site and its circulation, particularly the new connection from the north to the south of the site creating a series of generous open spaces for the ENI staff via a six story high open atria, while also maintaining a strong sense of direction for west to east expressed through the building volumes. The atria are architecturally integral to the three buildings linking them with a continuous path and become ideal spaces for gathering and exchange and creating an interactive environment.
Along Viale de Gasperi, one finds a structure that is reminiscent of the existing wall, but in a pristine white translucent concrete box that encloses the mechanical equipment at the west end which slowly transforms to a solid white concrete top that hovers over a green vegetative wall stretching along towards the east end. The memory of the existing ENI gate has been preserved and reinterpreted as a green gateway. The white concrete used is the latest innovation from the Italian cement company, Italcementi, which is a white concrete that breaks down pollution as a photocatalytic reaction with the sun’s UV rays. Having a screen barrier using this sustainable product will reduce CO2 levels from Viale de Gasperi traffic.
The architectural parti for the CDe&p building is six blocks connected by a central spine. The architectural intent is to compose a transparent, translucent and a solid white building. Each block, representing a building wing, has a pristine glass envelope containing typical office spaces with the General Manager’s wing contrasting solidly in the center building on the west side of the site.
该项目位于米兰圣多纳托 (San Donato Milanese) 充满活力的 Metanopoli 商业区的中心地带,敏感地响应了它的环境。建筑形式源于与周围城市的对话,其开放的几何形状在场地的南北之间创造了新的城市连接,同时也为 ENI 员工创造了一系列宽敞的户外空间。
ENI 总部的建筑部分由六个街区和两个由中央脊柱连接的中庭组成。每个街区都是一个建筑翼楼,封闭在一个包含办公空间的原始玻璃外壳中。这些块从透明到半透明再到纯白色不等,创造出突出中央翼的巧妙构图。该组合物由沿着主要入口通道 (Viale de Gasperi) 的原始白色混凝土盒固定,其底部是半透明的,但慢慢转变为悬停在绿色植物墙上的坚固的白色混凝土顶部。白色混凝土是意大利水泥公司 Italcementi 的一项创新,它通过与太阳紫外线的光催化反应分解污染。