
Jul 1, 2023 01:38 PM
Edmonton, Canada
Meier Partners 将这个新的博物馆提案设想为一个开放且吸引游客的地方。建筑的外观旨在表达其功能组件,而其轻盈、透明和白色则让人联想到刚下过的雪,尊重埃德蒙顿是一座冬季城市的事实。
博物馆设计为东西走向的系列功能带,北侧为行政功能区,中部为连续的服务脊柱,南侧为大型展区。这个优雅的构图又被一个统一的中庭和一个连接所有楼层的坡道系统所包围。较高的展览楼层形成了具有灵活开放计划的空间——适应各种各样的展览布局——而在较低的楼层,Manitou Stone Gallery 和 Auditorium 等更小、更灵活的空间提供了与展览内外公共空间的对话博物馆。
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Designed by Richard Meier & Partners Architects in partnership with Graham Design Builders, Laing O’Rourke, IBI Group, Solomon + Bauer, Arup and Glotman Simpson, the new Royal Alberta Museum was intended to be a new public space and cultural center in the downtown Edmonton area.
The Museum was conceived as a series of functional bands running east-west with administrative functions to the north, a continuous service spine in the middle, and the large exhibition areas to the south surrounded and enclosed by the unifying atrium and ramps connecting all floors. The upper exhibition floors form an enclosed box with open floors to flexibly accommodate the layout of exhibition spaces while on the lower floors smaller and more articulate “events” such as the Manitou Stone Gallery and the Auditorium/Theatre offered a dialog with the public spaces both inside, the Atrium, and outside – the Plaza, the Park, the Street.
The image of the Museum was intended to be expressive of its functional components. Its lightness and transparency and its white color is in this case fittingly analogous to freshly fallen snow, respecting the fact that Edmonton is, indeed, a winter city. The new building was going to be an open and inviting place for visitors. Its massing responds both to surrounding, large scale structures as well to the more intimate scale of the urban street level. The main plaza to the west of the museum was intended to act as an urban crossroads and the city’s “living room.”
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