沃德村门户塔 ward village gateway towers 2013

Jul 1, 2023 01:38 PM
Honolulu, Hawaii
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The Ward Village Gateway Towers in Honolulu, Hawaii define the center of an ambitious and sustainable 60-acre coastal development located in the city’s Kaka’ako district. The nuanced plan embraces the extraordinary site’s rich cultural history and engages its breathtaking natural surroundings. The project’s distinctive architecture, publicly accessible landscape, and diverse amenities will activate a vibrant new civic center in the heart of Honolulu and significantly enhance the region’s emerging skyline.  On a conceptual level, the Gateway Towers site plan is influenced by the historical proportions of the site’s former salt ponds and saltpan grids. Another link to the past will be the revitalization of the area’s once vital, but long-hidden, natural spring waterway, which will be augmented to flow through the project’s new, publicly accessible estuary located in a one-acre outdoor room defined by the Gateway Towers and the adjacent marina.  Blade and Cylinder shaped, the towers define the core of the master plan and establish the development’s iconic waterfront presence. The thin, 36-story Blade is aligned with the modern high-rises of downtown Honolulu and simultaneously engages the region’s historic urban fabric. Relative to the waterfront, the Blade rotates to “open the gateway” when approaching from Ala Moana Boulevard and the marina. The 29-story Cylinder has an axis coordinated with the Blade, but through its form and massing, provides a balanced counterpoint and architectural transition that reorients the adjacent low-rise Gateway Villas and Townhouses to the ocean.  Integrated exterior shading elements and large sheets of crystal-clear, state of the art glass, which symbolically reflect the purity of Hawaiian water and the surrounding natural landscape, will frame the site’s stunning vistas. In Honolulu, the quality of daylight is heightened by the dynamic patterns of shade and shadow from clouds driven by trade winds. This project creates timeless waterfront homes that capture the quality of place and light unique to this idyllic setting.
拟议中的 Ward Village Gateway 塔楼定义了位于火奴鲁鲁 Kaka'ako 区沿海 60 英亩可持续发展计划的雄心勃勃计划的中心。设计的各个方面都尊重并响应场地非凡的自然美景,将独特的建筑与宽敞的公共空间和多样化的设施相结合,以激活位于市中心的充满活力的新市政中心。
两座塔楼,一座呈叶片状,另一座呈圆柱体,确定了总体规划的核心,并确立了开发项目标志性的滨水区形象。这座薄薄的 36 层刀片形塔楼与檀香山市中心的现代高层建筑并驾齐驱,同时融入了该地区历史悠久的城市肌理。这座 29 层的圆柱形塔楼与动感的叶片形状形成了平衡的对比,在城市和海洋之间建立了建筑过渡。两座塔楼的立面都大量使用了一体化的外部遮阳元素和大片晶莹剔透的玻璃,象征性地反映了夏威夷纯净的水和周围的自然景观。
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