法兰克福装饰艺术博物馆 Museum for Decorative Arts Frankfurt 1979 - 1985

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
Museum for the Decorative Arts
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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The character of the surrounding environment had a decisive impact on the form of this building, not only in terms of the topography but also in respect of the local doppel villa topology. Designed as a part of a new cultural district on the banks of the river Main – they so called Museumsüfer – this arts museum was a transitional work in that it was part of the conversion of a residential quarter to public-institutional use.  The accommodation of the program within the available site enabled the remainder of the area to be treated as a park, open to the surrounding community, to Sachsenhausen in the south and to the city across the river in the north. Articulated pathways and vistas enabled the site to be reorganized in such a way as to overcome the barrier formed by the villas lining the Main River.  The skewed organization of the plan was based on two intersecting geometries, on an orthogonal grid deriving from the Villa Metzler and on a discrepant second grid taken from the alignment of the river. The Villa Metzler is incorporated into the new composition by being inscribed into an open quadrant of its 16 square orthogonal grid. This initial grid was then overlaid by a second grid of exactly the same size, but rotated 3.5 degrees to correspond with the embankment. The superimposition of these two networks generates the formal order of the work throughout.  The Villa Metzler’s basic dimensions and the proportions of the villa’s windows became the basis of the square metal panel module and fenestration of the new building.  The general organization of the museum space gives the work a didactic character, with the visitor proceeding counterclockwise through a prescribed series of spaces, outlining the history of European decorative art. Specific openings are framed in various ways so as to sustain a sense of discovery through different apertures, while always permitting the objects themselves to relate to the scale of their immediate environment.
博物馆位于美因河畔,是新文化区Museumsüfer的重要组成部分。建筑师Richard Meier采用了两个相交的几何图形作为设计基础,展示了欧洲装饰艺术的历史和文化。博物馆的组织安排十分周到,参观者可以逆时针穿过一系列概述欧洲装饰艺术历史的指定画廊。博物馆场地的其余部分被视为向周围社区开放的公园,清晰的路径和远景使场地得以重组,以克服美因河沿岸别墅形成的障碍。整个设计充分考虑了周围环境和建筑的历史背景,是一座独特的现代建筑,扩建了历史悠久的别墅,并与一座田园公园相连,以振兴传统文化区。
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这座装饰艺术博物馆被认为是新文化区 Museumsüfer 的重要组成部分,位于法兰克福市中心美因河畔的显眼位置。历史上,该地区是一个住宅区,通过博物馆设计转变为公共使用空间,博物馆设计对其环境非常敏感,不仅受到周围地形的影响,还受到塑造社区特征的当地别墅类型的影响。
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博物馆规划的组织基于两个相交的几何图形,一个源自历史悠久的梅茨勒别墅——一座优雅的 19 世纪建筑,现在是现在博物馆建筑群的一部分——另一个源自附近河流的排列。这两个网络的叠加产生了整个作品的正式秩序,并赋予博物馆空间一种说教的特征,参观者逆时针穿过一系列概述欧洲装饰艺术历史的指定画廊。特定的开口被框起来,以通过不同的孔径维持一种发现感,同时始终允许物体本身与其直接环境的规模相关联。
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