Ackerberg House 1984 - 1986, Addition: 1992 - 1994

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
Malibu, California
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By referring to the indigenous courtyard types of Southern California – their sunlit courts and play between vertical and horizontal spaces – the Ackerberg House mediates the contextual extremes of the mountains along the coastal highway and the Pacific Ocean. L-shaped in plan, the house looks out over three adjacent courts: an internal courtyard connected to the living room, a tennis court, and a granite terrace. The major spaces of the compound gradually unfold from vertical to horizontal, like the sides of a box.  The progression through the house begins at the north wall, which is clad in white ceramic tile. Through a double-height entrance hall one passes via a loggia along the internal courtyard past a framed view of the ocean. The internal court, with its high walls and undulating, stucco surfaces, interprets the experience of the mountains on a domestic scale. Entry into the public area of the house lies between the curved wall of the living area and the vertical mass of the house’s private zone.  The living room is a central, dramatic double-height space with clerestory windows and sliding glass doors. In order to modulate and inflect the intense California light, the house is generously provided with skylights and brises soleil. These sunscreens-vertical surfaces pulled away from the mass of the house at roof level-create a transitional space between the house and the terrace, an occupiable façade.  From the road, the house reads as a layered wall of rectilinear sheets, while from the terrace and pool the house is experienced as a dense massing of white posts and curved sunscreens. By the time one reaches the terrace, with its view of the endless Pacific, the house, sky, and mountains have become elements in a spatial conception that locates the occupant at the junction of nature and the response of architecture.
Ackerberg House 位于加州马里布,依据南加州典型的庭院类型设计,结合了山脉和海洋两种极端的自然元素。建筑师 Richard Meier 在空间布局上以纵向和横向的空间变化为特点,创造了三个相邻的庭院,分别是与客厅相连的内部庭院、网球场和花岗岩露台。由北侧覆盖白色陶瓷瓦的墙体进入,穿过双层高的入口大厅,通过内部庭院的拱廊,可以看到海洋的景色。在高墙和波纹状的灰泥表面的包围下,内部庭院以一种家庭尺度的方式阐释了山脉的体验。从公共区进入私人区域,位于起居室弧形墙体和垂直建筑体量之间的入口。起居室是一个中央、戏剧性的双层空间,拥有明亮的天窗和推拉玻璃门。为了调节强烈的加州阳光,建筑师大量设置了天窗和遮阳板,这些遮阳板在屋顶处从建筑物的体量中拉出,形成了一个可占用的立面,从而创造了一个过渡空间,将房屋和露台连接在一起。从路边看,房屋呈现为矩形墙体的层层叠加,而从露台和游泳池看,房屋则呈现出白色柱子和曲线遮阳板的密集质感。在露台上,可以俯瞰无尽的太平洋,建筑、天空和山脉共同构成了一个空间概念,将居住者置于自然和建筑响应的结合点。