盖蒂中心 The Getty Center 1984 - 1997

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
Los Angeles, California
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The Getty Center occupies a unique, hilly site jutting southward from the Santa Monica Mountains in California. The program brings the seven components of the Getty Trust into a coherent unity, while maintaining their individual identities. Buildings are organized along two ridges in the topography of the 110-acre parcel. An intersection of the twin axes corresponds to the inflection of the San Diego Freeway as it bends northwards out of the Los Angeles street grid. An underground parking garage and a tram station establish the public entrance to the 110-acre site.  The museum lobby provides views through the courtyard to gallery structures arrayed in a continuous sequence. The smaller pavilion buildings, connected by gardens, break down the scale of the museum experience, allowing for pauses and encouraging interplay between the interior and exterior. A 450-seat auditorium, west of the Trust offices and the Art History Information Program, terminates the east elevation. The Getty Conservation Institution, Getty Center for Education, and the Getty Grant Program take advantage of the climate through the use of loggias, pergolas and full-height glazing at the external perimeter.  Along the more secluded western ridge, the Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities completes the complex. The building comprises a million-volume library, reading rooms, study carrels, a small exhibition space and offices for staff. This vast referential requirement has been given a radial organization focusing around the central circular building. The information is not centralized, but organized into a series of smaller sub-libraries whose plan encourages scholars to explore incidental areas in the open stacks. Its curvature expresses the Center’s introspective and analytical nature.  Throughout the complex, landscaping integrates the buildings into the topography with garden sequences extending beyond the enclosed volumes.
盖蒂中心是一个庞大的文化机构,占地110英亩,位于加利福尼亚州的山顶上。建筑师Richard Meier设计了该项目,它包括盖蒂博物馆、一个450个座位的礼堂、保护机构、教育中心和研究所。每个建筑都被巧妙地组织在场地的两个不同地形山脊上,使建筑与周围的景观完美结合。游客可以通过一个地下停车库和一个电车站进入该场地,并穿过花园连接的小型展馆建筑参观博物馆。该项目对环境的敏感性已获得LEED现有建筑认证,突显了该公司对可持续发展原则的长期承诺。
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盖蒂中心占地 110 英亩,占地 110 英亩,从圣莫尼卡山脉向南突出。该计划将 Getty Trust 的七个组成部分统一起来,同时保持其独特的身份。校园的独立建筑——包括博物馆、一个有 450 个座位的礼堂、保护机构、教育中心和研究所,它本身包括一个藏书百万的图书馆——沿着场地的两个地形山脊组织起来,将建筑无缝地融入周围的景观。
盖蒂博物馆的设计灵感来自哈德良别墅和壮观的遗址,力求在艺术、建筑和自然之间建立完全的和谐。在整个盖蒂建筑群中,景观设计已被部署以将建筑物融入山地地形并将每个单独的结构与其他结构连接起来。花园序列延伸到封闭的体积之外,连接较小的展馆以打破博物馆体验的规模,允许暂停并鼓励内部和外部之间的流畅相互作用,从而充分利用这个非凡的场地。该项目对其环境的敏感性已获得 LEED 现有建筑认证,突显了该公司对可持续发展原则的长期承诺。

A hilltop village for culture that weaves together art, architecture, and landscape into a unified cultural experience.

The Getty Center occupies a unique 110-acre site jutting southward from the Santa Monica Mountains. The program brings the seven components of the Getty Trust into a coherent unity, while maintaining their distinct identities. The individual buildings of the campus—which include the Museum, a 450-seat auditorium, the Conservation Institution, the Center for Education, and the Research Institute, which itself includes a million-volume library—are organized along two of the site’s topographical ridges, seamlessly integrating the architecture into the surrounding landscape.
The approach begins when visitors leave their vehicles in the underground parking garage and board the tram that transports them to the hilltop. Exploring the campus, visitors encounter smaller pavilion buildings, connected by gardens, that break down the scale of the museum experience, allowing for pauses and encouraging interplay between the interior and exterior. Throughout, buildings are designed to take advantage of the climate through the use of loggias, pergolas and full height glazing at the external perimeter.
The design for the Getty was inspired by Hadrian’s Villa and the spectacular site, and seeks to establish a complete harmony between art, architecture, and nature. Throughout the Getty complex, landscape design has been deployed to integrate the buildings into the mountainous topography and link each individual structure to the others. Garden sequences extend beyond the enclosed volumes, connecting smaller pavilions to break down the scale of the museum experience, allowing for pauses and encouraging a fluid interplay between the interior and exterior that makes the most of this extraordinary site. The project’s sensitivity to its environment has been recognized with a LEED Existing Building certification, underscoring the firm’s longstanding commitment to principles of sustainability.
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