德国乌尔姆市政厅 Ulm Stadhaus Exhibition & Assembly Building 1986 - 1993

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
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Conceived as a programmatic and cultural complement to Ulm’s Münsterplatz and the historic mass of its cathedral, this Stadthaus establishes a modest, secular, civic presence within the main square of the city. The building houses a visitors’ center, a ticket office, and a café terrace on the ground floor, and a top-lit, multilevel gallery space-cum-lecture hall on the floors above. With its striking cylindrical form capped by three prominent roof skylights, the building imparts a decisively civic character to the mainly commercial frontage of the square. The main body of the building derives its form from the geometry of the cathedral and the square. It is based on a nine-square structural bay system augmented on three sides by concentric peripheral walls modified and curtailed by intersecting axes and regulating lines. The main drum form functions as a counterpoint to the cathedral as one enters the square from the west and southwest. An asymmetrical stair and a freestanding elevator afford access from the ground floor to the lecture hall and exhibition spaces above, while a loggia/bridge at the upper level links the restaurant to the entry foyer on the ground floor and the exhibition spaces above. The building was designed to provide framed views of the cathedral and the square. The construction is reinforced concrete frame and blockwork throughout, with the inner nine-square cube faced in natural stone and the outer concentric screen walls and the restaurant clad in stucco. The northwest perimeter of the square is planted with sycamore trees to create an intimate pedestrian scale along the commercial frontage, while the parvis was re-created and repaved in accordance with a grid derived from the geometry of the cathedral.
乌尔姆市政厅展览和大会大楼是一座位于德国乌尔姆的新建筑,其目的是作为乌尔姆历史中心的活力和文化补充。该建筑是由Richard Meier设计的,旨在引入重要的新市政功能并成为主要商业建筑Münsterplatz的焦点。它的外形是一个圆柱形,上面有三个突出的天窗。建筑的中央鼓在视觉上与大教堂形成对比,而九方形结构隔间系统在三个侧面由同心外围墙增强,这些围墙已通过交叉轴和从周围城市景观中提取的调节线精心修改。楼内设有游客中心、售票处和咖啡厅露台,这些功能与采光充足的多层画廊空间结合在一起,楼上是演讲厅。建筑的所有内部空间都经过精心设计,可提供大教堂和广场的框架景观。广场的西北周边种植了梧桐树,沿着商业临街营造出亲密的步行规模。
这座充满活力、新建的建筑旨在将重要的新市政功能引入主要商业建筑 Münsterplatz。底层设有游客中心、售票处和咖啡厅露台,这些功能与采光充足的多层画廊空间结合在一起。楼上是演讲厅。
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