俄勒冈健康科学大学眼科中心 Eye Center for Oregon Health Sciences University 1987

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
Portland, Oregon
notion image
This structure is at the main entry to the university and spans between two low hills. It was conceived as a portal to the campus, since vehicles would have had to pass under it in order to gain access to the grounds.
The ophthalmic research clinic on the lower floor accommodates the auditorium and library, and the laboratories and speaking rooms are on the floors above. A prominent features of the composition is a cylinder stacked with operating rooms that passes through the upper four floors of this six-story section, and which marks the vehicular entry to the campus.
The remainder of the complex is divided into a large, 320 car, multi-level parking structure set into a slope at the north and a central circulation core linked to the parking an all floors in the clinic. The building turns its back to the main approach, but a stepped, park promenade links the main pedestrian entry to the rest of the campus.
The bulk of the building is faced in metal panel, and the parking structure is covered on the side with a steel grid that screens the garage wall and the open escape stair running up slope of the hill.