莱布伦办公楼 leblon offices 2011 - 2016

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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The new Leblon office building, a state-of-the-art commercial office building in the Leblon neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro, is the iconic new international headquarters for one of Brazil’s leading alternative investment and asset management firms. The project consists primarily of open office spaces and a series of terraces which open up to and create a direct connection with the urban artery of Bartolomeu Mitre Avenue and with private interior courtyards.  The building consists of 7 floors above ground for a total height of 25 meters with a leasable floor area of 6,500 s.m. A generous lobby anchors the building to the streetscape, and a three-story underground structure provides additional leasable spaces and private parking.  The design of the office building with its refined formal vocabulary reflects the distinct orientation of the site while addressing issues of sustainability, maximum efficiency and flexibility. The entire building is recessed from the urban frontage and masked with a carefully composed set of louvers designed for both maximum sun shading and privacy retention to the west.  On the east, the structure has been pulled away from its neighbors to create internal courtyards and provide natural day lighting on two exposures for all office spaces. These voids house generous vertical gardens that tie back into a rough and refined exposed architectural concrete core which services the building. The entire project straddles between the refined precision of a white aluminum and glass facade, open floor plan, and the roughness of the concrete and the vegetation within the courtyards.  Richard Meier & Partners’ design role was to fulfill a vision for a successful, high-end office space with a project that aspires to become a significant architectural contribution to Rio de Janeiro, respecting Brazil’s rich architectural heritage while simultaneously challenging preconceived notions of indoor and outdoor spaces and the building’s relationship to the context and the city of Rio.  The building has received LEED-silver certification for core and shell.
这座为巴西领先的另类投资和资产管理公司之一建造的最先进的商业办公楼占据了里约热内卢 Leblon 社区的显着位置。内部主要由开放式办公空间组成,辅之以一系列私人庭院,而一系列外部露台则与 Bartolomeu Mitre 大道的城市动脉直接相连,将项目无缝地融入其场地。
宽敞的大堂将建筑固定在街景上。该结构高出地面 7 层,总高度为 25 米。该建筑精致的正式词汇反映了对可持续性的承诺,同时也提供了效率和灵活性。西立面从街道正面凹进去,并用一组精心设计的百叶窗遮盖,旨在最大限度地遮阳和保护隐私。在东边,该结构已被拉离其邻居以创建内部庭院并为所有内部办公空间提供自然采光。这些空隙容纳了宽敞的垂直花园,这些花园与为建筑物提供服务的引人注目的裸露建筑混凝土核心相连。该项目巧妙地将精致与原始相结合,
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