天津旅馆 2008-2012

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
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This 8-star luxury hotel on an island site within Tianjin Shining Star Group’s development known as “The World” will house 31 guest suites with state of the art spa facilities and a Fitness Center. Guest suites are located in two complementary volumes, an east wing and a west wing, which create a dynamic form that stretches across the island. A dramatic top-lit atrium soaring 18 meters high connects the two volumes. The interplay of light and shadow is experienced from every level.  A restaurant, private dining suite, bar, library and business center is included in the program, as well as a gallery overlooking the gardens and waterfront designated for special functions and a rooftop terrace.
Guest suites are generously sized and feature bathrooms with steam and sauna facilities and soaking tubs with views to the outdoors.  On the fifth floor of the east wing are two senior suites, each with two bedrooms, living and dining areas and a service kitchen.
Situated at the west end of the island, linked to the guest suites by a covered bridge, is a pristine structure that contains the Fitness Center.  In harmony with the hotel wings, the geometry of the fitness center is also composed of two volumes that are integrated together, the solid against the transparent, continuing the procession of spaces from east to west.  The spa contains treatment rooms and a lounge, with a 25 meter lap pool is covered by a skylight roof.
这家拟建的 8 星级豪华酒店位于天津星耀集团独家开发项目“世界”内的一个岛屿上。该项目设有 31 间套房、最先进的水疗设施和设备齐全的健身中心。
酒店的套房位于东翼和西翼这两个互补的空间内,它们连接在一起,形成一个横跨整个岛屿的动态组合。这两卷书由一个引人注目的顶灯中庭相连,中庭高达 18 米。从酒店的每一层都可以体验到在这个空间内产生的光影相互作用。套房宽敞,设有带蒸汽和桑拿设施的浴室以及可欣赏户外美景的浸泡浴缸。酒店的便利设施包括餐厅、私人用餐套房、酒吧、图书馆和商务中心,以及俯瞰花园和海滨的画廊,专门用于特殊活动和屋顶露台。位于岛西端的水晶结构设有健身中心。健身中心和游泳池与酒店的两个翼楼相呼应,同样由两个体量组成,实体和透明并置,并通过廊桥直接连接到客房,完成了空间的自然流动整个网站。