耶索罗丽都公寓 2007 - 2015

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
Jesolo, Italy
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The Jesolo Lido project was conceived as a landmark beachfront destination on the Adriatic coast of Italy intended to draw guests to its residential and hotel components.  The complex is comprised of Jesolo Lido Village, completed in 2007, a three-story residential building set inland at the scale of the adjacent residential fabric, and two buildings set on the ocean front:  Jesolo Lido Condominium and Jesolo Lido Hotel.  The condominium and hotel have been oriented in order to maintain views of the sea from the depths of the site and from the village.  The concept separates the areas into low density (ten stories on beach-front) and high density (low-rise to the rear of the site) presenting the opportunity to create different senses of “place” within the same area.  All three projects are tied together along a spine running from north to south acting as a viewing corridor and public access walkway to the beachfront.  Jesolo Lido Hotel shares a road and entrance plaza with the condominium and adds a third dimension to the dialogue within the overall development. The design addresses the programmatic requirements: a two story base housing the lobby, wellness facilities, restaurant, with four upper floors floating above the base with 122 rooms of various standards.  Each hotel room has a view to the Adriatic.  A garden with pools connects to the indoor pool and wellness area. The hotel’s six stories spanning 9000 square meters above ground will house public and private functions of hotel space.  The ground floor consists of the lobby and bar area on the west side toward the public pedestrian zone, the pool area facing the beach and opening toward the gardens and outdoor recreational areas, and conference area and secondary spaces in the east side of the building.  The first upper floors will contain the restaurant, and fitness center, sauna and spa treatment rooms.
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Jesolo Lido Condominium 与同样由 Meier Partners 设计的 Jesolo Village 相连,采用共同的建筑语言和开放式入口广场,在两个项目之间建立空间对话。
作为 Meier Partner 对更大的 Jesolo 村的分阶段总体规划的重要组成部分,该公寓建立了一个海滨高层建筑,与稍微内陆的低层村庄相对应。Condominium 大楼的底层包括六间带私人花园的公寓、一个水疗区和一个礼宾部。大楼的顶层专供五个不同的复式顶层公寓单元使用,每个单元都有自己的室外游泳池。建筑整体体量简洁明快,营造出标志性的轮廓。
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位于意大利著名海滨胜地之一的 Jesolo Lido Condominium 提供了令人惊叹的公寓,与 Jesolo Village 相连。该公寓与 Meier Partners 设计的 Jesolo Village 采用共同的建筑语言和开放式入口广场,在两个项目之间建立空间对话。作为 Meier Partner 设计的更大的 Jesolo 村的分阶段总体规划的重要组成部分,该公寓建立了一个海滨高层建筑,与稍微内陆的低层村庄相对应。Condominium 大楼的底层设有六间带私人花园的公寓、一个水疗区和一个礼宾部。大楼的顶层设有五个不同的复式顶层公寓单元,每个单元都有自己的室外游泳池。建筑体量简洁明快,营造出标志性的轮廓。该项目巧妙地结合了实体和空隙,辅之以沿东西立面连续运行的遮阳系统,创造出令人惊叹的光影效果,尤其是在黄昏和黎明。
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