圣何塞市政厅 San Jose City Hall 1998-2005

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
San Jose, California
notion image
The San Jose City Hall is the centerpiece of a seven-block redevelopment district of new and existing buildings unified through streets, walkways, plazas, courtyards, and fountains. Buildings in the surrounding district will include a new performance hall, elementary school, rebuilt church, a joint library shared by the city and university, and two public parking garages. The project comprises an eighteen-story office building to house the city departments, the city council chambers, a major civic rotunda, an exterior plaza, and below-grade parking.
The focal point of the sweeping public plaza is a transparent domed entry serving as a visible symbol of the city government as well as the main point of entry. The glass rotunda, while of a more contemporary form and materials, is reminiscent of traditional domes of important public buildings and can accommodate large public events such as lectures, concerts, and exhibitions. The curved wall defining the main plaza, together with the rotunda space, acts to unify all components of the facility.
The rotunda is complemented on the east side by the office tower, which houses city departments and the plaza-level permit center, and on the west side by the three-story council wing, which houses the city council chambers, public meeting rooms, retail spaces, and additional departmental offices. A grand staircase in the rotunda leads to the prominently located city council chambers, which are also accessible along a walkway of exterior steps that follows the plan of the plaza wall.
标志性的圆顶和开阔的公共广场为 21 世纪创造了一个新的市民空间。
该项目包括一座 18 层的办公楼,用于容纳市政府部门,以及一座三层的翼楼,用于容纳市议会会议厅。周边地区的建筑将包括一座新的表演厅、一座小学、一座重建的教堂,以及一座由城市和大学共享的联合图书馆。圆形大厅位于塔楼和低层翼楼之间的中央,是该项目的锚点,并建立了一个宏伟的公共入口,带有通往市议会会议厅的巨大楼梯。