比佛利山庄一号 One Beverly Hills 2004-

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
Beverly Hills, California
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For more than a decade, the Los Angeles office of Richard Meier & Partners has led the design and planning efforts for One Beverly Hills, an extraordinary, eight-acre, luxury residential and boutique hotel development that will establish a vibrant new western gateway for the city of Beverly Hills. The project’s distinct architecture, integrated open spaces, and highly crafted details will engage and accentuate the international stature and garden-city image that Beverly Hills enjoys.  The scheme’s architectural massing is designed to mediate between the skyscrapers of Century City, the diverse midrise commercial buildings of downtown Beverly Hills, and the area’s refined residential neighborhoods. Strategically positioned along the western edge of this coveted site, two slightly curved, linear structures will reflect the expansive, organic landscape of the adjacent Los Angeles Country Club golf course. The root of One Beverly Hills’ timeless architecture is Southern California’s idyllic climate and the region’s alluring indoor-outdoor lifestyle. Both buildings are raised above the ground on columns, creating an open ground level that will allow light and gardens to flow underneath the complex. This configuration will also provide uncompromised vistas of the site’s bordering landscapes.  A 134-room boutique hotel occupies the south end of the eight-acre property on floors 2 through 5 of the south residential building. The Hotel Motor Court is accessed from Santa Monica Boulevard. The Lobby is a 3-story glass enclosed volume that is an indoor/outdoor extension of the Hotel Gardens and captures the extraordinary quality of the region’s warm daylight. Each Guest Room and Guest Suite has large, floor-to-ceiling sliding glass panels that extend these accommodations into inviting outdoor living spaces.  The structures’ narrow horizontal proportions are sustainably designed with crystal-clear glass facades and sunscreens, that enable the natural lighting and ventilation of all interior spaces. Sliding walls of unobstructed floor-to-ceiling glazing will seamlessly blur the boundaries between interior and exterior areas. Rooftop terraces and private balconies will provide residents and hotel visitors with unique vantage points from which to enjoy captivating views of the Pacific Ocean, Santa Monica Mountains, Hollywood Hills, and the dynamic skylines of Century City and downtown Los Angeles.
十多年来,Meier Partners 一直领导着 One Beverly Hills 的设计,这是一个占地 8 英亩的规划项目,结合了豪华住宅建筑——包括 Meier Partners 设计的位于 9200 Wilshire Boulevard 的公寓大楼,于 2004 年完工——与规划中的精品酒店和额外的发展。该项目结合了独特的建筑、精心整合的开放空间和精心制作的细节,是 Meier Partners 设计的标志。
该项目的体量旨在协调世纪城的高层建筑、比佛利山庄的中层城市结构和周围住宅区的低层住宅。为场地西部边缘设计的两个线性结构将在柱子上高出地面,创造一个开放的地面,拥抱邻近的洛杉矶乡村俱乐部广阔的有机景观。规划中的拥有 134 间客房的精品酒店将占据该物业的南端,而该地块北边的一个显眼角落已经通过已完工公寓楼底层的高端零售店与周围社区相连,包括五十四个光线充足的住宅单元。位于 9200 Wilshire 的公寓大楼展示了一个中央空隙,它将日光引导到从建筑物的主要入口到每个单独住宅的流通路径。该中庭还将利用创新的玻璃翼型提供自然通风,该翼型可加速屋顶的气流,将暖空气抽出建筑物。