科贾安公寓 2001 - 2003

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
173 Perry Street
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The Perry Street Condominiums, two residential towers located in Greenwich Village, mark the first construction in Manhattan by Richard Meier. The 16-story towers stand at the north and south corners of Perry and West Street in the West Village and overlook the Hudson River. Their transparent minimal form is a striking addition to the New York City skyline. The orientation of the towers to the west affords panoramic views over the Hudson River, Hudson River Park and beyond to the New Jersey skyline.
In this 1,800 square foot, one bedroom apartment the dark floors of Bobinga wood contrast with the white walls and complement the modern furniture throughout the living room, dining room and bedroom.
Along with the furnishings, the client sought the firm’s counsel for artwork to enhance the space, which includes a wall sculpture by Frank Stella and the bedroom a drawing by Richard Serra.
The resulting space with its clean lines requires little maintenance and affords the client expansive views and a respite from the bustle of New York City.
这套公寓位于佩里街 173 号,是格林威治村两座塔楼之一,标志着 Meier Partners 在曼哈顿的第一座地面建筑,是工作室美学的整体体现。它被认为是一个和谐的、完全设计的空间,其中从平面图到单个家具的一切都经过精心协调,以实现一个大于其部分之和的整体。
Perry Street Condominiums 透明、简约的形式使它们成为纽约市天际线的引人注目的补充,Meier Partners Kojaian 公寓的内部设计延续了这一标志性美学。Bubinga 木材的深色地板与白色墙壁形成鲜明对比,与整个住宅的现代家具相得益彰。该空间简洁的设计和简洁的线条几乎不需要维护,同时强调令人难以置信的自然光线和河景,让居住者有漂浮在附近哈德逊河波光粼粼的水面上的感觉。除了选择家具外,Meier Partners 还精心挑选了一系列艺术品来补充和提升空间。这些博物馆级别的作品包括弗兰克·斯特拉 (Frank Stella) 的壁雕和理查德·塞拉 (Richard Serra) 的画作。