瑞士航空总部 1991 - 1995

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
Melville, New York
notion image
The Swissair headquarters was conceived as a distinctive formal element that would stand in contrast to the nondescript suburban environment surrounding an adjacent intersection. A number of factors led to the decision to recess the building into the ground, thereby creating a lower ground floor. One of these was the need to meet local zoning and height restrictions while accommodating the requirements of the program. The recessed lower floor enabled us to provide an outdoor recreation patio on the sunny side of the building for lunchtime use by the staff. Another was the necessity to create privacy and to shield the building acoustically from the nearby Long Island Expressway. A substantial berm to the east and south also shields the forecourt from noise and exterior views.  The orthogonal circulation, open-plan workspace (designed on a module for flexible subdivision), and location of the cafeteria on the lower ground floor promote efficiency without sacrificing environmental quality or access to light, air, and surrounding views.  The southeast elevation facing the highway is closed in order to isolate the offices from the noise of the expressway. Its internal circulation space is lit by a roof light, and a long window in the façade permits distant views.  The northeast end of the building overlooks a narrow sunken patio, while the southwest end accommodates services, the elevator, and lavatories, which are housed in three solid prisms separated by full-height glazing. The double-height, glazed northwest elevation faces a parking lot with demarcated bays that is treated as a parterre. This building may be seen as an emergent exurban office type that has been given a particular identity in keeping with the client’s prestige.
Swissair 总部大楼被认为是一种独特的正式组合,与大楼平淡无奇的郊区环境形成鲜明对比。指导设计过程的关键决定是将建筑物嵌入地面,以适应当地分区指南施加的高度限制,同时仍然满足多样化和广泛项目的要求。凹陷的下层还使建筑物的建筑与其场地的动态地形之间具有高度雕塑般的相互作用,为公司员工创造了诱人的户外空间,并为远郊办公楼建立了新的原型。