纽格鲍尔住宅 1995 - 1998

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
Naples, Florida
Situated in a prestigious residential community on a one-and-a-half acre waterfront site, this house faces southwest over Doubloon Bay. One approaches the wedge-shaped site, which fans out towards the water, from a winding avenue lined with royal palm trees. In forecourt of the house a square grove of twenty-five palms serves as foil to a freestanding cylindrical garage faced in limestone. Since the turfed area of the forecourt is reinforced, pedestrians and cars are free to circulate across the greensward at will. Beyond, concealing the water, lies the horizontal façade of the house itself, clad in two by three foot limestone slabs backed by a concrete frame and masonry structure. Pierced at regular intervals by vertical slot windows, the façade conceals a wide, top-lit access corridor running the length of the house.  The linear organization consists of five parallel layers from front to back: access, service, living, sun terrace, and lap pool. A raised main entry penetrates the limestone wall of the front façade to give onto the corridor. A fifteen-foot module controls the structural bay and the incremental dimensions of all the cellular spaces. The main volumes, including both sleeping and living spaces, are arranged in a linear formation, affording each room an impressive view over the lap pool to the bay beyond.  The principal rooms and their attendant bathing and dressing areas as well as the kitchen are covered by a steel-frame butterfly roof cantilevered off paired steel stanchions at 15-foot centers. This roof, finished with a stone-paneled rain screen, satisfies the community requirement for a pitched roof while reinforcing the house’s orientation toward the water.
这座独特的住宅坐落在一个占地一英亩半的滨水区,面向杜布隆湾。建筑师通过以透明的玻璃和白色的外墙为主要元素,创造出一个透明和充满阳光的空间,让住户感受到水的景色和天空的景色。住宅内部的设计与外部的美景完美融合,采用了最先进的技术和材料,如钢框架、混凝土框架和石灰石板。这座住宅的线性组织方式非常独特,由前到后分别为通道、服务区、生活区、阳台和游泳池。整个住宅都是以直线和简洁的几何形状为主,从而将人的注意力集中在美景上。Neugebauer 住宅是一座具有划时代意义的建筑,是现代住宅设计中的经典之作。
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这座房子坐落在一个占地一英亩半的滨水区的著名住宅区内,面朝西南,俯瞰杜布隆湾。这座房子的设计旨在最大限度地欣赏滨水景观,建筑也融入了综合景观设计——包括一条靠近房子的蜿蜒、棕榈树成荫的大道和一片由 25 棵棕榈树组成的方形树林——以营造和谐的整体体验。
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