伊迪和卢沃瑟曼大楼,加州大学洛杉矶分校 2009-2014

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
Los Angeles, California
The six-story, 100,000 square-foot Edie and Lew Wasserman Building is designed to meet the specialized technical demands of the Jules Stein Eye Institute. This highly crafted campus-infill project efficiently augments the institute’s capacity for cutting-edge research and critical care, creates a comfortable experience for patients and their families, and successfully enhances the image of one of the country’s leading eye care centers.  The placement and massing of this new structure unifies two existing buildings constructed on the UCLA campus in the 1960s. The project’s position, proportion, orientation and scale create an outdoor room with terraced landscapes, which clearly orientates visitors to the expanded three-building complex’s main entrances. Canopies, lighting and coordinated graphics enhance the patient arrival experience.  The south elevation of this new facility reflects the scale and structural cadence of the existing building façade directly across the arrival garden. The transparency of the south elevation makes the elevator lobby and clinic waiting areas visible from the approach garden and passenger drop-off plaza. Once inside, patients benefit from daylighted seating areas with unobstructed views of the surrounding landscape. As essential to the project’s palette as the terracotta, stone, carpet and, millwork, and furniture, harnessed natural light shapes each public interior space and contributes to the project’s rich and inviting architectural experience. The building’s exterior terracotta and concrete surfaces integrate the new architectural elements with the site’s original structures and develop important color and textural continuity with the campus context.  The environmentally responsible Wasserman building is LEED Gold certified. The project benefits from a long span building structure, which reduces the number of columns, in order to allow adaptable floor plans that minimize future renovation expenses. Energy efficiency is achieved through proper form and solar orientation, innovative building envelope and mechanical system design, and the specification of advanced building operations and monitoring equipment. All selected building materials are durable, easy to maintain, and have a small environmental footprint.
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该建筑提升了该国领先的眼科保健中心之一的形象。它旨在满足 Jules Stein 眼科研究所的专业技术需求,有效增强研究所的创新研究和医疗能力,并为患者及其家人创造舒适的体验。同时,它被设想为一个主要的校园填充项目,战略性地放置于统一 1960 年代在加州大学洛杉矶分校校园内建造的两座现有建筑,并创造一个重要的新公共空间
该建筑的外观将赤陶土和混凝土与透明玻璃平滑地融合在一起,将充足的自然光引入室内,同时通过与周围校园的颜色和纹理形成重要的连续性,将新建筑与场地融为一体。所选建筑材料经久耐用、易于维护且对环境的影响小,有助于该建筑获得 LEED 金级认证。
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Jules Stein眼科研究所的Edie和Lew Wasserman大楼是一个六层、104,000平方英尺的建筑,为满足该研究所的特殊技术需求而设计。这个校园填充项目可以有效增强研究和护理的能力。大楼的建造为患者及其家人提供了舒适的体验,提升了全国领先眼科中心之一的形象。
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