康奈尔大学威尔大厅 Weill Hall, Cornell University 2001 - 2008

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
Ithaca, New York
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Weill Hall is the cornerstone of Cornell University’s Genomics Initiative: a campus-wide, faculty-driven research, development, and educational program intended to maintain Cornell’s leading role in the study of life sciences. The building merges biological, physical, engineering, and computational sciences in an effort to further the understanding of the social, legal, ethical, and business aspects of genomics.  Weill Hall supports research collaboration among faculty, students, and scientists from across the university. With a gross area of 263,000 square feet, the building houses research and teaching laboratories, genomic technology services, a distant learning center, and a “business incubator” on four floors above grade, and a substantial basement with a vivarium and plant-controlled environment facilities.  Sited at the western edge of Alumni Field, Weill Hall, along with the buildings on the opposite side of Tower Road, forms an enhanced campus entrance. Master plan studies gave rise to the selection of this site, adjacent to related science facilities, in order to encourage intellectual and physical connectivity. The building respects the scale of the surrounding context and brings existing facilities into an ensemble relationship. Existing pedestrian thoroughfares are also enhanced and integrated with the building’s public spaces.  The layered composition of the building program components results in a linear plan organization, enhancing the quality of interior space through the use of views and natural light. The resulting facade on Alumni Field redefines the open space and brings a new image to the Central Campus of Cornell University.  The design’s innovative approach extends to the emphasis on sustainability and conservation practiced in the design and construction process, earning Weill Hall Gold LEED accreditation. Heat islands are significantly reduced as a result of the water-efficient landscape and roof design; the living roof which covers over 50 percent of the building absorbs rainwater and provides insulation.  The efficient mechanical systems design is projected to save energy more than 40 percent above ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) standards. Motion detectors to regulate light, temperature and air flow were implemented, as were systems to minimize light pollution, water use, and material emissions.  During construction material recycling, indoor air quality management, local and regional material use and certified wood use were prioritized.  On the whole, Weill Hall consumes 30% less energy daily than comparable buildings.
Weill Hall 是专门为作为康奈尔大学基因组学计划的基石而设计的:这是一项全校范围内、由教师驱动的研究、开发和教育计划,旨在保持康奈尔大学在生命科学研究中的领先地位。该建筑融合了生物、物理、工程和计算科学,旨在通过支持全校教师、学生和科学家之间的研究合作,进一步加深对基因组学的社会、法律、伦理和商业方面的理解。
该建筑采用深思熟虑的总体规划姿态,校友广场的主立面重新定义了一个重要的四合院,并为大学的中心校园带来了新的视觉形象。Weill Hall 与 Tower Road 对面的现有建筑对话,形成了一个增强的校园入口,其毗邻相关科学建筑的选址促进了连通性,并将现有的校园设施纳入了整体关系。大楼的四层以上设有研究和教学实验室、基因组技术服务、远程学习中心和企业孵化器,而宽敞的地下室则设有动物园和植物控制环境设施。
Weill Hall 的能耗比同类建筑低 30%。对可持续性和保护的重视延伸到设计和施工过程的各个方面。主要的环境特征包括覆盖建筑物 50% 以上的活动屋顶、超高效机械系统以及用于调节整个室内光线、温度和气流的运动探测器。该项目的创新环保设计获得了金级 LEED 认证。
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