Saint-Denis Office Building 圣但尼办公楼 2003 - 2009

Jul 1, 2023 01:37 PM
Saint-Denis, France
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This pair of new office buildings is located in Saint-Denis in Paris, along one side of the Place des Droits des l’Homme, a public plaza that connects the railway station with the main avenue leading to the Stade de France. The project covers 350,000 square feet comprising offices, workshops, restaurants, and retail spaces. The two main buildings consist of seven floors above ground with two below-ground basement parking levels. A six-story atrium joins the two buildings and provides an elegant covered entrance facing the plaza.
The form of the entire project responds to the immediate context, site boundaries, zoning, and program requirements. The massing of both buildings is articulated at the ground and seventh-floor levels with setbacks to the facades. At street level this provides an arcade to welcome the public, particularly from the plaza side.
The relationship of the buildings to the Place des Droits des l’Homme dictated their orientation. As viewed from the plaza, each building maintains its own identity while sharing a common architectural language. In this way the buildings appear as twins, joined by a transparent atrium, sharing similarities without being identical.
这两座建筑的方向取决于它们与 Place des Droits des l'Homme 的关系,这是一个连接城市火车站和主要大道的著名公共广场。从广场上看,每座建筑都保持着自己的特性,同时共享一种共同的建筑语言。两个翼楼中较大的一个包含自己的内部庭院,最大限度地为办公空间提供日光和空气。这两座建筑共高出七层,构成了广泛的商业项目,包括车间、餐厅和零售空间。
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