
Jul 1, 2023 09:43 AM
丹尼尔·里博斯金(Daniel Libeskind)

18.36.54Connecticut, USA

DATEJan 1, 2010 STATUSCompleted BUILDING SIZE2,000 sq.ft NEWSW Magazine Review


This gleaming, chocolate-colored structure was designed as one folded plan, and takes its name from the number of the planes (18), points (36), and lines (54) that the spiraling ribbon makes as it defines the living space of this 2,000 square foot dwelling. Challenging both traditional and modern notions of “the house in the landscape,” this bold design does not sacrifice itself to its natural setting, but selectively incorporates the elements therein for the enhancement of both house and its Connecticut environs.
Studio Libeskind was approached by a client that wanted a mixture of the avant-garde and the cozy. The Studio responded with a tour-de-force clad in mirror-finish, bronzed stainless steel.  The cladding was specified to accentuate luster and exaggerate the changes of light and season. The interior is solid stained white oak.
Within the scrolling of the ribbon, enclosure is achieved via large glass planes that at junctures virtually disappear.  There are porches on every side and from the interior, unimpeded picturesque views of hay meadows and distant foothills. The interior finishes, cabinetry, and built-in furniture are custom handcrafted from locally harvested oak planks.  These elements, along with subtle elevation changes in the concrete floor distinguish the kitchen, living, dining, and sleeping areas without separating them.  Circulation throughout the home is seamless and free-flowing, a theme which carries through in the nearly-nonexistent distinction between inside and outside.
The project was completed in 2010
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这栋住宅位于美国西康涅狄格州一处54英亩(218 530.25m2)的草地中,占地2 000平方英尺(185.81m2),是由18 个平面、36个节点和54 条线组成的螺旋丝带结构的生活空间。它的名字也正来源于此。建筑的外墙由铜镜面外壳的不锈钢包裹,这种经历,独一无二。它反射出的光泽突出和夸大着天气、季节甚至一天中不同时段的流转。从外面看,大大的落地窗被包裹在螺旋丝带板面里几乎隐形。而从内部望去,由于斜体墙壁和天花板的巧妙设计,窗外如画般的景色、草坪和远处的山脚却都能通透地尽收眼底。内部装饰、细木家具和嵌入型家具都是用当地生长的橡木手工打造的。所有这些元素以及混凝土地面上精巧的立面变化自然地分隔出厨房、起居室、餐厅以及卧室区域,又浑然一体。一种旋律在建筑内无缝自由地流淌,穿透几乎没有界限的室内与室外,挑战着或传统或现代观念中的“景观中的房子”这种设计理念。这种大胆设计的建筑并没有牺牲自己以融入环境,而是在建筑中选择性地融入了能够同时彰显自身也增强景观的元素。