吉宝湾 映水苑

Jul 1, 2023 09:42 AM
丹尼尔·里博斯金(Daniel Libeskind)


Standing at the entrance to historic Keppel Harbor, six undulating towers and 11 low-rise villa apart­ments offer sustainable living, views and privacy for residents in 1,129 apartments. The artful composition of the sleek curving towers that opened in 2011 affords the delight of visual complexity and provides enough spatial gaps and shifting orientations to multiply the views of the ocean, Sentosa Island, the golf course and Mount Faber.
Two distinct typologies of housing—along the waterfront the lower Villa blocks and, set just behind, the towers ranging from 24 to 41 floors—create an airy, light-filled grouping of short and tall towers, none of which has floors in exact alignment with either the floor above or below.
In this design, Studio Libeskind was aiming for a fundamental shift in high-rise living whereby no two interiors share the same perspective and each resident experiences his or her own individuality and difference.
Reflections received the prestigious BCA Green Mark award in 2008. Sustainable highlights include: underground rainwater water collection, filtration and recycling for landscape irrigation; extensive landscaping and sky gardens to lower ambient temperature; double-glazed low emissivity glass to reduce heat transmission; energy efficient lighting and fixtures throughout; skylights to reduce the need for electric lighting in places like the basements; a natural water filtration system instead of chemicals for disinfecting the swimming pools; and providing solar panels and solar-powered aircraft warning lights.
“The cluster of six high-rise residential towers are a glittering new addition to the Singapore waterfront, hugging 2,460 ft of shoreline and offering residents exquisite views from the top.” – World Architecture News (October 2012)
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吉宝湾映水苑(占地2 000 000 平方英尺(185806.08m2),显眼地矗立在新加坡历史悠久的吉宝港的入口处,是一座综合住宅项目。其中包括6 栋拔地而起的高层和11 栋6 ~ 8层的低层别墅公寓区,共1129 套住宅单元。波浪起伏般的高层是项目的焦点所在,高度起伏变化的曲线形成了结构间的开放与闭合,使得远处的风景尽收眼底。这种变换的形式使得每一层的住户都能看到与其他楼层不同的、独一无二的风景。高层与别墅设计成不同的形状,且朝向不同的方向但又互相融合。从同一角度望去,不会有两栋相似的建筑物相邻。最终形成了在变幻的平面和映射下创造性融合的宏伟乐章。