Kö-Bogen 办公零售综合体 2013

Jul 1, 2023 09:42 AM
丹尼尔·里博斯金(Daniel Libeskind)

KÖ-BOGEN DÜSSELDORFDüsseldorf, Germany

DATEJan 1, 2013 STATUSCompleted CLIENT die developer BUILDING SIZE40,165 sq.m (Base Design)13,547 sq.m (Underground Parking )38,097 sq.m (Alternative Design)


Kö-Bogen, or the `King’s Bow,’ is a LEED Platinum rated large-scale office and retail complex whose sinuous form hugs the point where the Königsallee Boulevard, Düsseldorf’s primary thoroughfare, converges with the newly created Hofgarten promenade. By artfully connecting the city’s central park and historic commercial center—and by expanding public space and inserting landscape elements—Studio Libeskind produced a mixed-use commercial complex that is a dynamic new attraction in the heart of Düsseldorf, Germany.
The complex sits on two plots, comprised of two structures—one to the east, the other to the west—separated on the ground by a central pedestrian passageway and joined above by a two-story bridge. The façade is intricately patterned:  horizontal from some vantage points, vertical from others, and conceived so that the arrangement of stone and glass panels and aluminum louvers express unity. Plantings are integrated into cuts on the facade that provide additional shading and connection to the landscaped areas close to the complex.
The central public passageway serves as a new pedestrian path connecting the commercial area of Schadowstrasse with the Hofgarten, weaving the development into Düsseldorf’s urban tapestry.
“Daniel Libeskinds Kö-Bogen ist weltbestes urbanes Gebäude (architektur international)”— Goldene Stadtreperatur / “Daniel Libeskind’s Kö-Bogen is the world’s best urban building.” – Golden City Development
The project was completed in 2013.
AWARDS2015 – FIABCI Prix d’Excellence Germany – Silver2014 – US Green Building Council, LEED Platinum2014 – MIPIM Awards Ceremony – Best Urban Regeneration Project – Ko-Bogen Dusseldorf
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国王穹顶商城, 是一座位于杜塞尔多夫中心, 共6 层,432 300 平方英尺(40 161.98m2)的办公零售综合建筑,标志着都市空间与景观的重要过渡。两个城市街区共享一个连续的屋顶轮廓线,形成了步行、购物以及工作的同一空间。该建筑也在著名的步行街——国王大道与杜塞尔多夫中央公园——宫廷公园之间创造了一个连接空间。穹顶商城是这样规划的:下面三层为旗舰零售店,上面三层安排办公室和商业中心。带屋顶露台的双层桥连接着穹顶商城的东西两区块,中间区域则为绿色庭院,日光能够通过这个庭院空间照进内部的办公区域。
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