米兰世博会 万科馆

Jul 1, 2023 09:42 AM
丹尼尔·里博斯金(Daniel Libeskind)


DATEJan 1, 2015 STATUSCompleted CLIENT Vanke BUILDING SIZE12 meters high740 mq gross floor area (exhibition, service & VIP levels)130 mq roof terrace


The corporate pavilion for Vanke China explores key issues related to the theme of the Expo Milano 2015, “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”. The concept for the Vanke Pavilion incorporates three ideas drawn from Chinese culture related to food: the shi-tang, a traditional Chinese dining hall; the landscape, the fundamental element to life; and the dragon, which is metaphorically related to farming and sustenance. All three of these concepts are incorporated in the Vanke Pavilion’s exhibition, architecture and program.
Situated on the southeast edge of the Lake Arena, the 800-square meter pavilion appears to rise from the east, forming a dynamic, vertical landscape. The design features a sinuous geometrical pattern that flows between inside and outside. A grand staircase, clad in warm grey concrete, carves through the red serpentine form and guides visitors to the upper level. A roof-top observation deck with a planted garden will provide stunning views of the lake and near-by Italian pavilion.
The pavilion is clad in more than 4,000 red metalized tiles that Libeskind designed with the Italian company Casalgrande Padana. The geometric ceramic panels not only create an expressive pattern that is evocative of a dragon-like skin, but also possess highly sustainable self-cleaning and air purification properties. The three-dimensional surface is coated with a metallic coloration that changes as light and viewpoints shift. At times it will appear as deep crimson, then a dazzling gold, and even, at certain angles, a brilliant white. The tiles are installed with a state-of-the-art cladding support system that gives a rhythmic pattern and mathematical form to an otherwise supple, torquing shape. Two spiraling stairs, echoing the form, ascend the pavilion to the south, and to the north from the Lake Arena entrance, serving both as circulation and seating.
Inside the pavilion, visitors encounter an exhibition space filled with a constellation of 200 screens mounted to a matrix of bamboo scaffolding. The forest of screens and bamboo floats above a winding reflecting pool that borders the visitor pathway.
The pavilion was open in Milan, Italy from May 1 to October 31, 2015.
“…the Vanke Pavilion, near the centre of the Expo site, is certainly one of the best at the show both in terms of the Libeskind structure and the content, within, created by exhibition designer Ralph Applebaum.” −Blueprint Magazine, May/June 2015
中国地产巨头万科也参加了 2015 米兰世博会,万科馆从普通社区居民的视角向世界展示一幅真实、完整的中国城市生活景象。
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占地 959 平方米的万科馆,传达的不是一个简单的食堂的概念,而是代表一种传统的社会结构,自古就有,并且在当代中国社会中仍然以不同的形式存在。这里是一个欢乐的空间,它为人们提供物美价廉的食物和安宁祥和的环境。此次米兰世博会中国方面有三家参展,万科是其中之一,三个展馆分别是:中国国家馆,中国企业联合馆和万科馆,它们各自独立又相互关联。
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万科馆靠近 Arena 湖,由来自纽约的设计师 Daniel Libeskind 和来自米兰的设计事务所 Libeskind 共同打造,将其与周围景观完美结合。有节奏的层次和弯曲的几何图形,营造出绵延不断的流动感。
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展馆外立面由漆成古朴的红色釉面的三维石板构成。该染料是卡萨尔格兰德 Padana 的色度实验室为该项目专门研发的。万科馆使用的瓷器材料来自于 Fractile,由 Libeskind 本人亲自设计。
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