啤酒厂改造 Conversion of Bötzow Brewery 2013-

Apr 29, 2023 07:04 AM
大卫·奇普菲尔德(David Chipperfield)
位于柏林亚历山大广场的Bötzow啤酒厂在二战中遭受严重破坏后就没有再修建。通过将现有建筑进行修复和扩建,以及在废弃地下室中建造Ottobock未来实验室,该项目将为Bötzow Berlin带来新的公共目的地,包括啤酒花园、美食制造商、餐厅、游泳俱乐部、精品酒店和美术馆等。通过连接历史和现代,该项目将为这个拥有150多年历史的地方带来新的活力。
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The former Bötzow Brewery is located within walking distance of Berlin's Alexanderplatz. Following severe destruction during World War II, the site was never rebuilt. From its very beginning more than 150 years ago, the Bötzow family attached great importance to running a modern brewery and a pleasant working environment. The architecture of the site always reflected these values, incorporating a public beer garden next to industrial buildings which formed a central square. The master plan aims to perpetuate the singularity of this location. It creates a new identity for the 24,000 m2 site and transforms Bötzow Berlin into a new public destination within the city.
The existing buildings will be restored and three new volumes will extend the ensemble, making reference in their location to the earlier buildings. The brewery grounds will be reconnected to the city. Following its historic example, the grounds will accommodate two new external public locations. The site presents itself to the city with a spacious and inviting beer garden. Alongside this, the new and historic buildings define a central square, which embodies the new representative address for Bötzow Berlin, providing access to all buildings within the grounds.
The natural topography of the sloping site creates a charming and inviting spatial sequence from the street through the beer garden up to the square. Around 6,000 m2 of historic vaults form the foundations of the site. These will be linked at selected points with the aboveground world, while the mysterious atmosphere of the vaults remains preserved.
The medical technology company Ottobock continues the tradition of the brewery by combining entrepreneurship with leisure in Bötzow Berlin. Ottobock Future Lab, which will be built on the brewery grounds, is the company's second location in the city. This innovation center represents an important component of the program and will become a central address on the Bötzow site. Alongside the Future Lab and a brewery with beer garden, Bötzow Berlin will house artisan food manufacturers, restaurants, a swimming club, a boutique hotel, and a gallery as well as underground parking spaces.