
Apr 29, 2023 07:03 AM
大卫·奇普菲尔德(David Chipperfield)
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This new museum building, located on a triangular site within the Polanco area of Mexico City, exhibits part of one of the largest private collections of contemporary art in Latin America – Colección Jumex – and is part of a wider urban redevelopment. The site is constrained by the major street Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, the Ferrocarril de Cuernavaca railway line, and an adjacent property to the east.
The neighbouring buildings have an extremely individual quality that overrides any attempt to integrate the new museum within this particular urban context. This offers an opportunity to create a distinct building that simultaneously enhances its larger context. The building can be described as a freestanding pavilion that corresponds to the eclectic nature of the neighbouring buildings, which include the Museo Soumaya and the underground Teatro Cervantes. The mass of the building responds to the non-orthogonal plan of the site, which it exploits to provide the maximum possible footprint while delivering the programme within the constraints of local planning requirements.
The Fundación Jumex’s main administration and operative headquarters, as well as the collection’s storage facilities and library, remain at the original premises in Ecatepec. The new building, located in Mexico City, reaches a wider audience and provides an exhibition space for the permanent collection and temporary exhibitions. The gallery spaces accommodate diverse display techniques to suit both in-house and guest curators with differing approaches.
The building also provides a platform for discussion and educational activities. Further events, including lectures, talks, debates, conferences, and film screenings, are conducted in the gallery rooms rather than in separate purpose-designed spaces. The primary exhibition rooms are located on the two upper floors and optimise the use of daylight. An open-sided multifunctional loggia that sits between the upper galleries and the ground floor allows visitors to enjoy elevated views of the surrounding area and the urban life of the street.
The format of the floor plates and the position of the building cores provide large individual rooms that can be easily subdivided into two or more separate spaces. A distinctive saw-tooth roof creates a rhythmic geometry that defines the third-floor gallery. Consisting of a steel structure with west-facing roof lights and a horizontal diffuser layer, the roof distributes light evenly to illuminate the artworks and provide ambient light for the space. The light can be adjusted to meet specific curatorial requirements.
The entire building rests on fourteen columns and sits on a raised plinth, allowing the ground floor to merge with the public plaza. This concept of maximising publicly accessible space continues from the plaza into the loggia on the first floor of the building. The plinth, the columns, the ground and first floor cores, and the soffits throughout are of exposed white concrete, while the façades, the roof, and the floors from the plinth upwards are made of locally sourced travertine from Xalapa, Veracruz. All windows are full height with stainless steel frames. The continuity of the travertine coating lends the building a solid character reminiscent of indigenous sculptural traditions.
这座新博物馆建筑位于墨西哥城Polanco地区的一个三角形场地内,展示了拉丁美洲最大的当代艺术私人收藏之一 - Colección Jumex,并作为更广泛的城市再开发项目的一部分。该场地受到主要街道Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra、Ferrocarril de Cuernavaca铁路线和东侧相邻物业的限制。
邻近建筑物具有极其独特的品质,使得任何试图将新博物馆融入这个特定城市背景的尝试都被覆盖。这提供了一个机会,创造一个同时增强其更大背景的独特建筑。该建筑可以被描述为一个独立的展馆,对应于周围建筑物的折衷性质,包括Museo Soumaya和地下Teatro Cervantes。建筑物的质量响应了场地的非正交平面,利用其提供最大可能的占地面积,同时在当地规划要求的限制内提供项目。
Fundación Jumex的主要行政和运营总部,以及收藏的存储设施和图书馆,仍然设在Ecatepec的原址上。位于墨西哥城的新建筑使更广泛的观众可以欣赏到永久收藏和临时展览的展览空间。画廊空间适应各种展示技术,以适应不同方法的内部和客座策展人。
Project start:2009 Completion date:2013 Gross floor area:4,000 m² Client:Eugenio Lopez Architect:David Chipperfield Architects London In collaboration with:TAAU / Oscar Rodríguez DCA team:Jonathan Cohen, Robert Trent Davies, Johannes Feder, Christian Felgendreher, Sara Hengsbach, Peter Jurschitzka, Alessandro Milani, Andrew Phillips, Diana Su Lighting:H+V Zumtobel Lighting consultant:Arup Graphics:John Morgan Studio Structural engineer:Arup, Alonso y Asociados Services engineer:Arup, Iacsa Electrical engineer:Asociados A Façade consultant:Soluciones en Piedra Franco Construction management:Inpros General contractor:PC Constructores Special wood and steel fabrication:Kinetica Metal stairwells:Doasa Plumbing:GHA Building management system, fire protection consultant:BMS i Quantity surveyor:Intercost Photography:Iwan Baan, Simon Menges, Moritz Bernoully
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Located on a triangular site within the Polanco area of Mexico City, this new museum building exhibits part of one of the largest private collections of contemporary art in Latin America — Colección Jumex — and is part of a wider urban redevelopment. Heading the triangular park, the building can be described as a freestanding pavilion that corresponds to the eclectic nature of the neighboring buildings, which include the Museo Soumaya and the underground Teatro Cervantes. The mass of the building responds to the non-orthogonal plan of the site, which it exploits to provide the maximum footprint while delivering the program within the constraints of local planning requirements.
The Fundación Jumex's main administration and operative headquarters, as well as the collection's storage facilities, library, and an exhibition space, will remain at the existing premises in Ecatepec. The new building provides an exhibition space for the collection closer to a wider audience in Mexico City and presents a program of temporary exhibitions. As such, the gallery spaces are expected to accommodate diverse display techniques to suit both in-house and guest curators with differing approaches.
Catering for a range of visitors — from those who have never visited a gallery to international scholars and seasoned gallery-goers — it is for the enjoyment of both the local community and destination tourists alike. Further activities, including lectures, conferences, and film screenings, are conducted in the gallery rooms rather than in separate purpose-designed spaces. The primary exhibition space is located on the two upper floors and optimizes the use of daylight for the top-floor gallery. The lower floors comprise a series of spaces that provide the more social and community-based aspects of the program. An open-sided multi-function loggia sits between the upper galleries and the ground floor and allows visitors to enjoy elevated views of the landscape and the urban life of the street.
The format of the floor plates and the position of the building cores provide large singular rooms that can be easily subdivided into two or more individual spaces. A distinctive saw-tooth roof creates a rhythmic geometry that defines the third-floor gallery. Consisting of a steel structure with east-facing roof lights and a horizontal diffuser layer, the roof distributes light evenly to illuminate the artworks and create an ambient light for the space. The light can be moderated to meet specific curatorial requirements.